NOTE: This Offer if for a NEW Holy Card with Story packet containing a very OLD COIN.

(You are Not buying the pile of coins or Gilded Pirate.)

This records the event of Jesus, Mary, Monks Meet Pirates, True Vatopedi Legend Genuine Pirate Era Coin.

One day I bought a beautiful historic Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Son Jesus, and researched its meaning. For it is unusual to see Mary with her face turned away, and holding Jesus' hand away from her lips.

I learned about Vatopedi, the day Jesus and Mary and the Monks experienced a memorable encounter with a group of Pirates.

This offer is for a new holy card icon picture representing a centuries' old Mary and Jesus Icon. On the back is the story of Mary, Jesus, the Monks, and Pirates. Beneath the picture, when it is lifted up, is a story talking about Pirate Era Coins, what they are and why they look as they do.

And then sealed in the plastic bag, is a real, genuine, pirate-era coin. This is a 1600s Spanish Pirate Era Coin rated BETTER to BEST, acquired from one of the world's leading experts in such Coins.

You will receive one of these icon holy card / 2 stories / pirate-era coin packets. 

Your coin may be bigger or smaller, thicker or thinner, rounder or squarer, smoother or rougher, curved or flat, and with any partial or full image. Some seem heavy and some are lighter. Some have straight sides where the coins where snipped to reduce their weight. Some have a pie wedge cut from them to reduce weight. These are part of their glory. Those pie wedges were done on purpose and are not cracks. Some show interesting activity on both sides and some on one side. Some have a number, some a date, some a picture. Most are colored in black, brown, grey, or copper tones. With the clear package, you can easily see both sides.

Thank you for your interest.

No refunds, no returns.

p.s. I am offering only a few at a time.