In 1946 The Civil Aeronautics Board granted E.W. Wiggins Airways authority to operate feeder service between Albany and Boston via four segments. 

On January 19, 1950 Wiggins Airways inaugurated service over Segment 1 from Boston to Albany, via the intermediate points of Lawrence, Massachusetts, Manchester and Keene, New Hampshire. Map-type official cachets with small inserts, depicting an interesting feature of each city, were provided for all cities.

Twin-engine Cessna aircraft provided the inaugural service. 

This cover was carried on the inaugural Air Mail Route 79 flight from Albany, New York to Boston, Massachusetts (where it was backstamped) and is listed in the Contract Air Mail Flights (CAM) Section of The American Air Mail Catalogue as 79E16.

The Albany Postmaster autographed the cover.

Due to the excessively high subsidy cost to the Post Office Department, the certificate for Air Mail Route 79 was permitted to expire and the service was discontinued on July 31, 1953.