This is a beautiful, clean and shiny, heavy, copper bowl that could be used for cooking or kitchen/restaurant display.  Made in Chile, most likely hand made (although not really sure), it has two heavy and strong circular ring handles.  It is 16 inches across and weights over six pounds.  It is about six inches in depth.

This type of bowl is famous for beating egg whites in classical European cooking.

The ones whipped in a copper bowl will expand more because it becomes more stable than those whipped in other materials. This happens because the trace copper salts in the egg whites raise the temp that the eggs coagulate at a few degrees.The trick to getting the best from a copper bowl is to let the whites rest in the bowl for a few minutes before you start beating, that gives copper time to work its magic. Also you should beat by hand, that's what the ring is there for, so you can hold the bowl in one hand and the whisk in the other. Using an electric whisk with a copper bowl makes it far too easy to over do it.

The salt and the copper create a reaction that makes the whites stiffer and last longer, which is the whole point of using a copper bowl. No salt in the copper bowl and it would come out the same when compared to the other bowls. JULIA CHILD convinced me to buy my bowl. I hung it on my kitchen wall. It was hundreds of dollars when originally bought.

The key to jam or sugar work (candy and candied popcorn) is to cook it really fast and there's nothing more conductive than copper. It is 25 times more conductive than stainless.