Discover the magic of Hollywood's fashion and style with "Hollywood Dressed and Undressed: A Century of Cinema Style" by Sandy Schreier.

This first edition, vintage paperback published by Rizzoli International Publications, Incorporated in 1998, is a non-fiction narrative that offers a unique insight into the world of cinema fashion and accessories.

With 192 illustrated pages, this trade paperback showcases the glamour, elegance, and sophistication of Hollywood's most iconic stars and their fashion statements. It is intended for young adults and adults who enjoy photography and design, as well as anyone interested in fashion and its evolution throughout the years.

Get your copy now and be transported to the magical world of Hollywood fashion!

Item specifics


Author:Schreier, Sandy


Release Year:1998

Publication Year:1998Number Of Pages:192


Item Dimensions:9x0.5x11 Inches

Package Dimensions:10.9x8.9x0.7 Inches