the photos with the root and stem are Sample, each Bare root looks different way !!! The roses are seasonal flowers and can be planted only in spring and autumn ( from late February to June and then from September to November )!!!

You will receive Flower size : 8-10 cm /// 3,1” - 3,9”

Before planting, the root of the seedlings is immersed in water for 2 - 4 hours !!!
2 hours to 4 hours before planting, the roses should be soaked in water!
Before planting the rose, refresh the roots, shortening them with 1 or 2 cm. This will stimulate the formation of young roots. 
Soil preparation: The soil for planting should be light. The soil is dug up, compost or humus is added to it. Sand can be added to heavy soils. Holes with a depth of 40 cm are dug and a drainage layer is placed at the bottom. A layer of prepared soil is sprinkled on top. Then you can start planting. A drainage layer is necessary, otherwise the roots will rot. 
Place the rose in the dug hole, not folding the root system and making sure the Graft stays exactly at Ground level. Pour soil near the roots and compact very well. After planting, water abundantly until water is retained on top. This helps the soil to settle better around the roots and to set off successfully.
With good care, the dark rose grows into a bush with a height of just over a meter. The goblet buds open into flowers, the petals are painted with a gradient from black in depth to burgundy along the edge. The delicate shade of Black Baccara flowers creates a stunning contrast with the plant's foliage. The leaves of the rose are painted in a rich green color. The rose blooms from July to October and delights gardeners with a light, fresh fragrance. Despite the fact that the Black Baccarat rose is resistant to cold, it must be covered for the winter.
To grow Black Baccara roses, it is important to choose the right place. Must meet the following conditions: Must meet the following conditions:
1 : Shadow. This variety does not tolerate high temperatures. The sun can cause burns and wilting of flowers. In addition, in the shade, the flowers become darker in color. The petals become velvety, and the aroma becomes more expressive.
2 : A small bush is the best neighbor. Rosa Black Baccara does not like to be near trees, so place the flowers next to a stunted bush.
3 : Acidic, loose soil. On such soil, the variety retains its color saturation even at elevated temperatures.
4 : The plant does not require the addition of wood ash to the soil before planting.
!!! These criteria directly affect the color of the flowers. This variety is not recommended for planting in areas with open sunlight. The rose does not feel well in the sun, and this affects the quality of flowering. Windless places with diffused light are ideal.
!!! Black Baccara requires soil acidity. The more acidic the soil, the blacker the flowers will be. Unlike other roses, Black Baccarat does not require ash planting. But mulching with sawdust, which increases the acidity of the soil, will have a beneficial effect on the flowers.- mulching with sawdust, which increases the acidity of the soil, will have a beneficial effect on the flowers.
Usually roses of this variety are planted in autumn. This allows the rose to take root before winter sets in. However, in areas with severe winters, they are planted in the spring. The time of planting the rose directly affects the time of its flowering. A rose planted in autumn begins to bloom a month earlier than one planted in spring. On average, flowering begins in July and lasts until October.

Always check the soil moisture and keep the plant hydrated all time. Do not over water it.
It is important to know that these flowers do not look at the water like the sun. It is not good to water the plants too often.The rose is watered only at the root and in the early dawn or afternoon. It is good that water does not reach their leaves, because they will turn black and dry out. 

!!! Please make sure your state /country permits the importation of seeds and plants before you place an order, because some states do not allow the import of seeds and plants, each state has its own rules and policies, and we do not have access to this information, this is the the buyer (importer) responsibilities is the notify the seller of the requirements of the receiving country, usually buyers ( importers) have to check Is import allowed and what documents are needed,  and to informed the sellers before placing an order. 
Seller has no responsibility for the items confiscated and destroyed at customs.
Buyer is also responsible for any import duties or taxes.  !!!