1x Joie Chrome DLX Pavement Travel System, including: 1x chassis, 1x reversible pushchair seat unit, and 1x carry cot 1x carseat

UPF 50+ extendable canopy, removable bumper bar, height adjustable handle, 1x shopping basket, 1x rain cover, and car seat adaptors

Assembled dimensions: 86L x 59.8W x 113.2H cm

Folded dimensions: 93L x 59.8W x 38.5H cm

Soft touch 5-point safety harness

5-position recline

4-wheel suspension & Lockable front swivel wheels

Ultra compact fold with seat attached

Compatible with Joie Gemm Group 0+ Car Seat Ember (Ref: 8025652) and Joie ISOFix Base (Ref: 153961) sold separately

Birth to 22kg