Diabetes in Women: Pathophysiology and Therapy

Tsatsoulis, Agathocles; Wyckoff, Jennifer; Brown, Florence M.
Springer, Berlin
464 pages; XII, 464 p. 44 illus., 8 illus. in color.; 266 x 200 x 24 mm
Reihe / Serie
Contemporary Diabetes
Diabetes, steroids, Internal medicine, endothelium, insulin, pathophysiology, physiology, Diabetes mellitus
EUR 213,99 (inkl. MwSt.)
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Diabetes in Women
The primary aim of this book is to provide cutting-edge knowledge on diabetes in women from conception to menopause and beyond. Events in the reproductive lifecycle of women cause both special treatment considerations for diabetes and pose unique risks.

Gender differences impact the pathophysiology and clinical burden of diabetes in women. Exploring the complex interplay between gender and diabetes, Diabetes in Women provides a state-of-the-art update from conception to menopause and beyond. Written by experts in the field, Diabetes in Women covers sex differences in cardiometabolic risk, the impact of diabetes on women's health, diabetes and pregnancy, offspring of the diabetic mother and the disease management of women with diabetes. Chapters include up to date information on cardiometabolic risk in women throughout the lifecycle and the differences between sexes in energy balance and body composition. Prominent authors also explore the impact of poverty and globalization on the emerging epidemic of obesity in developing countries. Designed for primary care and internal medicine physicians, endocrinologists, obstetricians and gynecologists, and trainees and basic scientists in these areas, Diabetes in Women is an invaluable resource and important contribution to the field.

From the reviews: "This book surveys gender differences in both pathology and clinical features in order to make their impact upon the diagnosis and treatment of diabetic women clear. ... Not only internal medicine specialists, endocrinologists, obstetricians and gynecologists for whom the book was designed but also generalists will find valuable guidance ... . sociologists and politicians also need to understand the book's unique penetration into the problems of poverty and underdeveloped nations." (William H. Wehrmacher and Harry Messmore, Comprehensive Therapy, Spring, 2010)
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