**Original Dorset Hag Stone Charm**

~Fairy/ Holey/ Wish Stone Talisman Pendant~

With Pietersite Crystals


This Dorset Hag Stone Pendant measures approx. 1 1/2”and has cream and terracotta tones and  a pietersite crystal. The Charm comes with a green thong. It will be presented wrapped in Stamped tissue paper, and an information card  making this a perfect Gift for a friend or a special treat for yourself!

In Mythology a 'Hag' Stone is a stone which has a hole through it caused by running water, either by river or Sea. As running water was believed to be insusceptible to magic, Hag Stones were used as protective Talismans. Dorset Fishermen used them as protective charms against evil spirits, while their neighbours in Hampshire hung them in orchards to bring good luck and ripe, juicy apples!

In Italy the 'Holed' or 'Holey' Stone were considered the key to the Fairy Realm. Across Europe these stones were said to keep away the 'Evil Hag'  to stop her stealing children and Horses, to dispel the 'Evil Eye' and prevent the 'Succubus-Hag' from riding on your chest during nightmares.

We regular list Hag stone charms and Hag stone wind Chimes with various crystals, we often find in magic you are drawn to certain objects if you are in need of them this is often the way with crystals, below is a list of the crystals we use with a small sound bite on each of their properties:

Aquamarine Serenity, Relaxation

Black Agate for all healing magic and to bring strength and courage 

Chrysoberyl Good Luck, Increases personal power
Dumortierite Patience and Support
Iolite. Stimulates your imagination 
Labradorite Protection from Negativity, to Develope spiritual Power
Lepidolite. Relieve stress and Anxiety, boost trust and acceptance 
Jade. Prosperity, longevity, Stability 
Kyanite. Balance, Energy, Stress relief

Larvikite. Protection and Heightening Psychic abilities
Morganite Divine love Stone
Moss Agate. Healing, Balancing, New beginnings 
Ocean Jasper. Relieve Stress, Enhance Personal power, Boost Confidence 
Pietersite. Access spiritual guidance 
Rose Quartz. Love, compassion 
Sodalite. Intuition, Self Esteem
Serpentine. Healing personal growth, attract love and abundance 
Seraphinite Divine Energy, Protection, Nature communication 




***Blessed be!***

On 22-Apr-07 at 19:22:18 BST, seller added the following information: