Regional Assessment of Climate Change in the Mediterranean: Air, Sea and Precipitation and Water

Navarra, Antonio; Tubiana, Laurence
Springer Netherlands
Repr. 2012
338 pages; XXXIII, 338 p.; 244 x 161 x 20 mm
Reihe / Serie
Advances in Global Change Research 50
Downscaling, Mediterranean sea, Sea level, Water and heat budget, Climate change projections, climate change impacts
EUR 160,49 (inkl. MwSt.)
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Regional Assessment of Climate Change in the Mediterranean
This is part of the three-volume final report detailing the results of the four-year Integrated Research Project CIRCE - Climate Change and Impact Research: Mediterranean Environment, funded by the EU 6th Framework Programme.
Volume 1 of a three-volume final report describes, synthesizes and analyzes the results of the four-year Integrated Research Project CIRCE - Climate Change and Impact Research: Mediterranean Environment, funded by the EU 6th Framework Programme. Conducted under the auspices of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology in Rome, Italy, CIRCE was designed to predict and to quantify the physical impacts of climate change in the Mediterranean, and to assess the most influential consequences for the region's population. This volume incorporates the first two parts of the report, reviewing current knowledge of observed climate variability and trends in the Mediterranean, and including descriptions of available temperature and precipitation station and gridded data sets.
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