The  VFW: An  Illustrated History  of the 

Veterans of Foreign Wars  of the  United States

by Bill Bottoms

This well written book is a detailed history of the organization of The Veterans of Foreign Wars. Throughout are extensive photographs on nearly every page.  The book is developed in 13 chapters starting in 1898 through 1990. 

 The titles of the chapters are: 1) Beginning;    2) Early Years 1900-1913;    3) Learning Yeas 1914-1929;   4) Retrenchment Years 1930-1940;    5) War and Conflict 1941-1954;    6) Recycling the Battle 1955-1973;              7) Evergreen 1973-1990;   8)VFW National Home;     9) Auxiliaries;   10) Recognizing the Deeds of Others;     11) VFW Commanders in chief 1899-1990;  12) Programs of the VFW;    13) In the Public Eye.

Published by Woodbine in 1991. 332 pages including detailed index.

This book is in like new condition showing no wear. 

Postage is a little higher; it has so many photographs that makes it weigh more.