Kit Aeromodello acrobatico RC  A.R.O. Model modello Pat-Flash, ala bassa con fusoliera in gelcoat e ali in polistirolo ricoperte, adatto come passo successivo ai classici trainer e avviamento agli acrobatici, apertura alare 150cm., per motori glow 2T classe .40-.45, / .50 4T, peso 2,4kg., pacchetto  accessori incluso.  
NB. Motore, radiocomando 4 canali e alcuni accessori non sono inclusi, scatola aperta solo per effettuare le foto.

Aerobatic RC model aircraft kit  A.R.O. Model Pat-Flash, low wing with gelcoat fuselage and covered polystyrene wings, suitable as a next step to the classic trainers and start to acrobatics, wingspan 150cm., for glow engines 2T class .40-.45, / .50 4T, weight 2.4kg., accessory package included.  
NB. Motor, 4 channel remote control system and some accessories are not included, box opened only to take photos.

For the exact amount of transport costs, please contact me before to buy, thanks.