US Scott #E11 | Used | XF Extra Fine | PSE Cert

Dive into the vivid history of the US postal service with the iconic US Special Delivery Stamp Scott # E11. Painted in a deep shade of ultramarine, this exquisite piece of philately showcases a messenger on a bicycle, embodying the heartbeat of a nation that eagerly awaited its letters and parcels with bated breath.

The early 20th century saw bicycles becoming an essential mode of delivery for mail, bridging distances with speed and agility. The Scott # E11 pays homage to these tireless bicycle messengers who, come rain or shine, wound their way through bustling streets and quiet lanes, ensuring that every piece of mail reached its recipient promptly. This stamp, with its evocative design, is a window into an era where communication depended not just on paper and ink, but on the sheer determination and dedication of these messengers.

Owning the Scott # E11 is a journey into a world where every rotation of the bicycle wheel signified hope, news, and connections. As a philatelist, adding this stamp to your collection means cherishing a moment in time when messages traveled on two wheels, driven by human spirit and endeavor. Let this ultramarine marvel transport you back to the romantic era of bicycle messengers and let it stand as a proud testimony to their invaluable service in your collection. Secure this piece of history today with the awe-inspiring Scott # E11.