Add a touch of spookiness to your home decor with this hand-made, painted scented candle featuring a bronze cat sitting on a skull. The candle is made from high-quality wax and has a delightful scent of mango passion fruit and cranberry. It is perfect for any occasion, including Halloween, special occasions, or to add a decorative touch to any room in your home.

The cat-shaped candle size 9x14x6 cm.

This candle will not only provide a pleasant and relaxing aroma to your space but also serve as an attractive decorative item that will complement any theme.

Safety instructions for burning pillar candles:

1. **Choose a Suitable Location:**

   Place the pillar candle on a stable, heat-resistant surface away from flammable objects, drafts, and children or pets.

2. **Trim the Wick:**

   Trim the candle's wick to about 1/4 inch (6 mm) before lighting it. A shorter wick helps control the flame and reduces soot production.

3. **Use a Holder:**

   Always use an appropriate candle holder designed for pillar candles. Ensure it's larger than the candle's diameter to catch any dripping wax.

4. **Keep an Eye on the Flame:**

   Never leave a burning candle unattended. Monitor it closely, especially in rooms with children or pets.

5. **Burn in Intervals:**

   Pillar candles should be burned for no longer than 3-4 hours at a time. Extinguish the candle if it reaches within 2 inches of the holder's bottom.

6. **Avoid Drafts:**

   Keep candles away from drafts, as they can cause uneven burning and dripping.

7. **Extinguish Safely:**

   Use a snuffer or gently blow out the flame to extinguish the candle. Avoid blowing it out forcefully to prevent hot wax splatter.

8. **Check for Debris:**

   Before relighting a pillar candle, remove any debris or trimmings from the wax pool to prevent excessive smoking.

9. **Store Candles Safely:**

   Store candles in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and heat, to prevent warping or melting.

10. **Emergency Equipment:**

    Have a fire extinguisher, a bowl of water, or a fire blanket nearby in case of emergencies.

11. **Keep Out of Reach:**

    Ensure that burning candles are out of reach of children and pets.

12. **Avoid Moving a Lit Candle:**

    Never attempt to move a burning candle. Allow it to cool and solidify before relocation.

Following these safety instructions will help ensure that you can enjoy the beauty of pillar candles while minimizing the risk of accidents or fires.