It's handmade, fresh harvest and dry broom. Smell of this broom is amazing.

Sauna whisks are made during the summertime, usually till the Midsummer. In this period tree leaves are rich with essential oils and aroma. However the cutting and manufacturing period for every kind of sauna whisk may vary. Our sauna whisks are 100% organic and handmade by Ukrainians native. After the tree twigs are cut, they are tied on using thin pieces of natural linen string and dried in well ventilated barn.

OAK branches are used in wellness procedures with using steam in sauna.

They are necessary for the supply of steamy air to the body and light massage.

🌿 OAK VENIK is necessary for the supply of steamy air to the body and light massage. Steaming with a birch broom has a profound effect on the body.

🌿 PREVENTION It is chosen for the prevention and treatment of diseases such as sciatica or rheumatism, and it also helps with pain in the joints and muscles.

🌿 SKIN CLEANING Well cleanses the skin, accelerates wound healing, has antiseptic properties, and has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system.

🌿 PAIN REMEDY Also helps with muscle aches after physical exertion, cleanses the skin, accelerates wound healing and has a soothing effect.

🌿 MADE IN UKRAINE. Handmade. Fresh harvest.



Experienced sauna goers use sauna whisk as the second part of their bath procedure.

First step: spend time in sauna to open all the pores of body and cleanse themselves from toxins. Afterwards take a shower.

Meantime sauna whisks are soaked in a tub of water (30 minutes in cold water and afterwards 5 minutes in hot water).

After a short rest one can start massage with sauna whisks all over the body.