Important Notice: Some of the pins are bent (lower left corner of the second picture). They are still intact, but they are bent. Make sure you bend them back into place before you install this! I'd do it, but I know how well I handle that sort of thing. I'm leaving it to people who have fine motor control.

Now on to the good stuff...

Among the strange things that were left behind by various roommates, I have a Intel i486DX2 66 CPU. I can't even think of who would have had this: none of my old roommates were the type to swap out components, much less a CPU.

Anyway, this has been sitting in the same static bag for almost 30 years and now seems like a good time to part with it. 25 years ago would have been a better time, but here we are. Pretty sure I'm not going to find a use for it now.

Anyway, here's a 90's throwback that could be pretty useful for somebody who wants a classic machine, or who can profitably recycle it for its component elements.