Mozambique garnet is a type of garnet gemstone that is found in Mozambique, a country in southeastern Africa. It is a popular gemstone due to its deep, rich red color and high level of clarity. The color of Mozambique garnet is due to the presence of iron and manganese within the crystal structure. The gemstone is often faceted in order to showcase its brilliance and color.

Mozambique garnet is a member of the garnet mineral family, which is a group of minerals that share a similar crystal structure and chemical composition. Other types of garnets include almandine, pyrope, spessartine, and grossular. Each type of garnet has its own unique properties and colors.

In addition to its beauty, Mozambique garnet is believed to have spiritual and healing properties. It is said to help promote emotional balance, increase vitality, and boost self-confidence. It is also believed to enhance creativity and stimulate the flow of energy throughout the body. In some cultures, Mozambique garnet is thought to represent love and passion.

Mozambique garnet has a hardness of 6.5 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale, which makes it a durable gemstone that can be used in a variety of jewelry settings. It is often used in engagement rings, earrings, necklaces, and other types of jewelry. The gemstone is typically cut into faceted shapes, such as round, oval, or cushion, in order to maximize its brilliance and color.

Overall, Mozambique garnet is a beautiful and popular gemstone that is valued for its deep red color, high level of clarity, and spiritual and healing properties. Whether worn for its beauty or its perceived properties, Mozambique garnet is a gemstone that is sure to capture the attention of admirers and collectors alike.

This gorgeous stone would make a wonderful fine jewelry piece!

Beautiful Round Faceted Mozambique Garnet
Lovely Vibrant Red Color
Top Quality Gem with Astonishing Luster and Eye Clean Clarity
Exquisite Gem for Fine Jewelry

Imported From Mozambique!

Hardness : 6.5 - 7.5 on Moh's Scale
Specific Gravity : 3.1 - 4.3
Refractive Index : 1.72 - 1.94

Approx carat weight for each stone - 
1.5mm - 0.021 ct
2mm - 0.06 ct
2.5mm - 0.09 ct
3mm - 0.16 ct
3.5mm - 0.25 ct
4mm - 0.35 ct
4.5mm - 0.44 ct
5mm - 0.61 ct
6mm - 1 ct
7mm - 1.6 ct
8mm - 2.25 ct
9mm - 3 ct
10mm - 4.3 ct

If you require a size that is not listed, please feel free to contact us.
We also provide wholesale quantity.