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Poorna Swaraj

Constructive Programme: Its Meaning and Place

By M. K. Gandhi , Dhananjay Rai

The book "Poorna Swaraj: Gandhi's Roadmap for an Egalitarian Society" is a critical edition that explores Mahatma Gandhi's vision for achieving real and complete independence or 'swaraj' in India. It also sheds light on his ideas regarding communal unity, prohibition, basic education, women's emancipation, the concerns of tribal populations, farmers' distress, untouchability, leprosy, and the role of khadi, charkha, village, and small-scale industries. The book, with its comprehensive contextual introduction by Dhananjay Rai, provides readers with a deep understanding of Gandhi's thoughts on creating an ideal society.Throughout history, Mahatma Gandhi's life, work, and philosophy have had a profound impact on society, consistently bringing about positive change. This book focuses on his Constructive Programme: Its Meaning and Place, which outlines his strategies and goals for achieving a truly independent and egalitarian India. By delving into Gandhi's principles and ideas, "Poorna Swaraj" provides readers with a valuable glimpse into his roadmap for societal transformation.One of the significant themes discussed in the book is communal unity. Gandhi firmly believed that India's diverse communities had to come together and foster a sense of unity to achieve true independence. His emphasis on communal harmony aimed to create a society where religious and cultural differences could be celebrated while transcending divisions. Gandhi's vision of a united India, where all citizens could coexist peacefully, remains relevant today in a world grappling with divisive forces.The book also highlights Gandhi's views on prohibition. Recognizing the destructive impact of alcohol on individuals and society, he advocated for the complete eradication of alcohol consumption. Gandhi believed that prohibition was crucial for cultivating a healthy and prosperous nation, as alcohol addiction impeded progress and hindered the well-being of communities. This aspect of his philosophy continues to be relevant as countries grapple with the harmful effects of substance abuse.Education, particularly basic education, was another key focus area for Gandhi. He recognized the power of education in empowering individuals and communities. Gandhi believed that education should go beyond mere literacy and encompass moral values, character development, and practical skills. He emphasized the importance of education for women, the marginalized, and those living in rural areas, aiming to ensure equal access to knowledge and opportunities for all. Today, Gandhi's advocacy for inclusive and transformative education resonates in the global pursuit of quality education for all.The book also delves into Gandhi's concerns for the welfare of adivasis (tribal populations) and farmers. Gandhi recognized the struggles faced by these marginalized communities and sought to address their plight. He advocated for their rights, access to land, and sustainable practices that preserved their way of life. His approach to adivasi and farmer issues emphasized empowerment, self-sufficiency, and equitable development, reflecting a concern for marginalized communities that is still relevant in contemporary discussions on social justice.Another crucial aspect highlighted in "Poorna Swaraj" is Gandhi's fight against untouchability and caste discrimination. Gandhi was a vocal champion of social equality and tirelessly worked towards eradicating the deeply entrenched caste system in India. His efforts aimed to create a society where untouchability and caste discrimination had no place, and all individuals were treated with dignity and respect. The ongoing struggle against caste discrimination and untouchability reflects the continued relevance of Gandhi's principles and his vision for a just society.The book also explores Gandhi's efforts to demystify leprosy. In a time when leprosy was stigmatized and those affected by it were ostracized, Gandhi showed compassion and worked to dismantle the societal prejudice associated with the disease. His advocacy for the rights and well-being of people affected by leprosy reaffirms the importance of empathy, acceptance, and inclusivity in confronting the challenges faced by individuals with medical conditions.Furthermore, the book sheds light on Gandhi's emphasis on khadi, charkha, and promoting village and small-scale industries. Gandhi believed that economic self-sufficiency and the empowerment of local communities were vital for achieving swaraj. By promoting the use of khadi (hand-spun and hand-woven cloth) and charkha (spinning wheel), Gandhi aimed to revive India's rural economy, provide employment opportunities, preserve traditional crafts, and foster a sense of dignity among individuals engaged in these industries. Today, as the world grapples with globalization, Gandhi's emphasis on sustainable and decentralized economic practices holds relevance in addressing issues of economic inequality and preserving cultural heritage.In conclusion, the critical edition "Poorna Swaraj: Gandhi's Roadmap for an Egalitarian Society" offers readers a comprehensive understanding of Mahatma Gandhi's vision for an independent and egalitarian India. By exploring his ideas on communal unity, prohibition, basic education, women's emancipation, the concerns of tribal populations, farmers' distress, untouchability, leprosy, and sustainable industries

Poorna Swaraj

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    Book Information:
  • ISBN 13: 9780670098279
  • Publisher: Vintage Books
  • Year: 2023
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Author:Dhananjay Rai is a highly esteemed individual with a passion for exploring and disseminating knowledge in the fields of social sciences and peace studies. As a visiting fellow at the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies in Delhi and a faculty member at the Centre for Gandhian Thought and Peace Studies in the Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar, Rai has made significant contributions to academia and research.With an incredibly diverse background, Rai possesses a unique perspective and a broad knowledge base. He has been actively engaged in scholarly pursuits since 2011, undertaking research and teaching responsibilities in various prestigious institutions. Rai's expertise lies in analyzing and understanding the dynamics of developing societies, particularly in the context of India.Rai's association with the Centre for Gandhian Thought and Peace Studies reflects his deep interest in Mahatma Gandhi and his philosophy of non-violence. This affiliation demonstrates Rai's commitment to furthering the understanding and application of Gandhian principles in today's world.As a visiting fellow, Rai is involved in groundbreaking research, generating new insights into pressing social issues and peacebuilding strategies. His contributions to the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies will undoubtedly contribute to a deeper understanding of complex societal challenges and pave the way for innovative solutions.With his extensive knowledge, dedication to academic pursuits, and passion for promoting peace, Dhananjay Rai is a valued scholar in the field of social sciences, playing a crucial role in shaping the future of research and policy in India and beyond.


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