Greek Sentry Bulgaria Armed Bandits Motor-car Auto Komitadjis vintage Photo 1929
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Taille (pouces/inches): 6.5x8.5 16,5CM X 21,5CM

Description:Greek ultimatum to Bulgaria.
If Bulgaria does not accept the Greek Ultimatum by noon today Greek troops wil advance towards Sofia. Following the Ultimatum a clash between Greek and Bulgarian troops took place resulting in death of 2 Greek soldiers and an Officer. It is thought the attacks were enginerred by Komitadjis or frontier bandits, though it was carried out by regulars.
A party of Comitadjis armed and in a motor-car held up by a frontier sentry.

Note: 2 rebels in the Mercedes motor car are armed with pistols and the sentry is armed with a bayonet.

Date: 1920's or early 1930's

Lieu: Bulgaria

Photographe/Studio: NEWS SERVICE (Misc)

Etat: Good condition, light creases.bon etat g�n�ral quelques petits d�fauts,(voir scans)

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