Tableau des Successions, Suive du Texte de at Coutume de Paris, & des principales Ordonnances du Royaume en matters Civile, Criminelle, du Commerce, des Eaus et Forets, Tailles, Ardes et Gabelles, &c, &c.  Paris: Chez le Boucher, 1785.  Tome premier, so part of what was a larger set.  With two folding charts.  Small hardcover, 4x2.5 inches, bound in full leather with gilt titles in black bands on the spine.  Marbled paper endpapers.  With bookplate of Prix-Gabriel Camelin, Vice-President du Tribunal, Civil d'.......(cannot make out the last word but he seems to have been a court official or judge). Very good condition.  Slight fraying top of spine.