Australian Lion (Thylacoleo) Full Sized Large Skull-Replica - Resin Printed High Quality Piece - Large Museum Quality -FREE delivery world wide!

dimensions (cm): 24cm long x 21cm wide x 14cm tall.
dimensions (inches): 10inches long x 8.3 inches wide x 5.5 inches tall.


Thylacoleo ("pouch lion") is an extinct genus of carnivorous marsupials that lived in Australia from the late Pliocene to the late Pleistocene (2 million to 46 thousand years ago). Some of these marsupial lions were the largest mammalian predators in Australia of their time, with Thylacoleo carnifex approaching the weight of a lioness. The estimated average weight for the species ranges from 101 to 130 kg (223 to 287 lb)

This is an accurate reconstruction (not an original) Australian Lion (Thylacoleo) Skull, 3D printed using CT scans and printed in high quality Dental Resin this piece is truly amazing.

The high quality resin gives the piece weight and a texture close to the real thing so not only does it look amazing it feels amazing to hold.

Proudly produced and assembled by hand in Western Australia.