This is such a gorgeous sterling silver dome floral bouquet ring


 The green color pops right there with all the other gorgeous gemstones


You have a green chalcedony along with vibrant African Amethyst, Green Carnelian, Rainbow Moonstone, Honey Topaz, Garnet, Sky Blue Topaz and Peridot gemstones that shimmer with rich color and ornate sterling detailed leaf and stem gallery motif


 This sterling silver ring fits a size 8 and is just a nice statement ring that can be worn with jeans just as easily as dressy evening wear 



This ring is in excellent condition; brand new without box


* Previously owned. Good condition. No notable damage. Item may otherwise show signs of normal use, such as light scratching or minor tarnishing.

* We ask that you closely review all included item photos before purchasing any items.

* PLEASE don't be shy about asking to see more pictures or ask questions before purchasing any item as we have a no return policy

* Most all of our items are pre-owned, used and worn and will show degree of normal wear or signs of usage. 

* We do sometimes unintentionally miss some details in our description, if you receive an item that was incorrectly represented, please contact us immediately so we can work with you to make things right 

* All items over $20.00 will ship insured

* We have a $1.00 handling fee as we purchase all our shipping supplies brand new

* We will combine orders if requested