100% Natural Dried Almond Mushroom/ Agaricus Blazei/ Jisongrong 姬松茸 Chinese Herb

Agaricus blazei is a species of mushroom, also known as almond mushroom, God's mushroom. It is a choice of edible, with a somewhat sweet taste and fragrance of almonds. It has widely used for many medicinal purposes as research indicates it could stimulate the immune system.
It is low in calories, high in vegetable proteins, chitin, iron, zinc, fiber, essential amino acids, vitamins & minerals.


How to serve:

Soak the Agaricus blazeii mushroom for around half an hour in water. Cut the hard part of the stalk. Rinse and ready for cooking. It is good for stewing (clear soup and strong taste) or anything with meat or vegetarian. 



Storage Conditions:

Clean, Ventilating, Dry Place.

You are highly recommended to consult your health care adviser prior to ingesting.