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Science Fiction Classics Lot of 19 Unabridged Audiobooks in 19 MP3 Audio CDs

A collection of classic science fiction audiobooks written by the best Sci-Fi authors.
Perfect for your Sci-Fi audio library.
Listen to these greats at home or in your car with your device that plays MP3s .
3 Science Fiction Stories
William Tenn
 (1920 - 2010)
Read by Phil Chenevert
Running Time:01:46:13 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Three imaginative SF stories by an author, William Tenn.
Venus is a Man's World, (Galaxy Science Fiction, July 1951),
Project Hush (Galaxy Science Fiction, 1954)
Of All Possible Worlds. (Galaxy, Sept 1956)

3 SF Stories by Jack Williamson
Jack Williamson 
(1908 - 2006)
Read by Phil Chenevert
Running Time:02:38:32 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Three classic SF stories by Jack Williamson: The Cosmic Express, The Pygmy Planet and Salvage in Space. All were published in Astounding Stories in the very early 1930's. and all are fine examples of the far ranging imagination of science fiction writers of the day.

1 - The Cosmic Express
2 - The Pygmy Planet
3 - Salvage in Space

20 Short Science Fiction Stories
Read by by Kirk Ziegler
Running Time:10:05:31
Compilation of 20 Science Fiction Short Stories by various authors.

1 - The Blindman's World - Edward Bellamy
2 - Zen - Jerome Bixby
3 - The Clean and Wholesome Land - Ralph Sholto
4 - Off Course - Dallas McCord Reynolds
5 - Citadel - Algis Budrys
6 - McIlvaine's Star - August Derleth
7 - The Sun King - Gaston Derreaux
8 - Disowned - Victor A. Endersby
9 - The Circuit Riders - R. C. FitzPatrick
10 - Wind - Charles L. Fontenay
11 - Exile - H. B. Fyfe
12 - The Outbreak of Peace - H. B. Fyfe
13 - A World by the Tale - Randall Garrett
14 - The Helpful Hand of God - Tom Godwin
15 - Measure for a Loner - James Harmon
16 - Walls of Acid - Henry Hasse
17 - Texas Week - Albert Hernhuter
18 - The Smiler - Albert Hernhuter
19 - The Day of the Dog - Anderson Horne
20 - The Shining Cow - Alex James

A Mayfair Magician; a Romance of Criminal Science
George Griffith 
(1857 - 1906)
Read by Multiple Readers
Running Time:08:35:22
Our narrator, a researcher, finds himself snowed in at a Scottish prison. The resident doctor, an observer of criminal psychology, offers him hospitality and entertainment in the form of this story, an account of the bizarre case of a strange prisoner in motorcycle goggles, why he must wear them, and what he did to earn a life sentence.

An Earth Man On Venus
Ralph Milne Farley 
(1887 - 1963)
Read by Daryl Hanson
Running Time:06:07:23 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
"An Earth Man On Venus" was first published as a serial under the title "The Radio Man" in 1924. It is the first book in a science fiction series imaginatively written in the vein of Edgar Rice Burroughs. The main character is Myles Cabot, an earth man who finds himself accidentally transported to the planet Venus. He is naked and unarmed in a world filled with man-eating plants and giant insects. He soon discovers the planet is ruled by enormous ant-men, who have subjugated the Cupians, a more human-like race of inhabitants, to use as their slaves. Myles is immediately captured and must learn to communicate with the Formians, his six-foot tall ant-like masters. But how can one hope to converse with creatures which seem to be completely deaf and dumb? While Myles is in their grasp, he meets and becomes enthralled with Lilla, a beautiful Cupian maiden who has been kidnapped from her own people and enslaved by the giant monsters. Though more human-like in appearance, she, too, seems totally without the power of hearing or speech. Using all his wits, Cabot must devise a way to escape from his captors in order to help Lilla and the Cupians end their long slavery to their Formian masters. Other books in the series include "The Radio Beasts" (1925) and "The Radio Planet" (1926).
1 - The Message In The Meteor
2 - Stranded In Space
3 - Out Of The Frying Pan
4 - Go To The Ant, Thou Sluggard
5 - A Vision
6 - Radio Plays Its Part
7 - A Hunting Trip
8 - The Conspiracy
9 - The Rescue
10 - Before Queen Formis
11 - The Valley Of The Shadow Of Death
12 - A Victim Of Yuri
13 - Kidnaped
14 - In Disgrace
15 - A New Game
16 - Cabot Tells The World

Beauty's Hour
Olivia Shakespear
 (1863 - 1938)
Read by Newgatenovelist
Running Time:01:32:02 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
The young, intelligent Mary discovers that through an act of will she can transform her appearance to make herself incredibly beautiful. But will her newfound identity be all that she hopes? This recording is from the novella’s original publication in The Savoy in August and September 1896.
The young, intelligent Mary discovers that through an act of will she can transform her appearance to make herself incredibly beautiful. But will her newfound identity be all that she hopes? This recording is from the novella’s original publication in The Savoy in August and September 1896.

Doomsday Eve
Robert Moore Williams
 (1907 - 1977)
Read by Mark Nelson
Running Time:04:33:29 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
In the midst of the war—that terrible conflict that threatened humanity's total destruction—the "new people" suddenly appeared. Quietly performing incredible deeds, vanishing at will, they were an enigma to both sides. Kurt Zen was an American intelligence officer among the many sent to root them out. He found them. Taken captive in their hidden lair, he waited as the enemy prepared to launch the super missile, the bomb to end all bombs—and all life. If only he could find the source of the new people's power, Kurt alone might be able to prevent obliteration of the Earth.... - Summary by Original text

Eight Keys to Eden
Mark Clifton 
(1906 - 1963)
Read by Dale Grothmann
Running Time:06:13:22 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
When Earth loses contact with the colony planet Eden, an expedition is sent to find out why. Even though the planet has been determined to have no hostile properties, the second expedition is astonished to find no evidence of the colony. The colonists are spread out, naked, wandering dazed among the bushes, with no sign of any of the technology they brought from Earth.

Four Science Fiction Stories
Alan E. Nourse 
(1928 - 1992)
Read by by Kirk Ziegler
Running Time:03:58:55 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Four Science Fiction stories published in Science Fiction Adventures Magazine and Galaxy Science Fiction, written by Alan Edward Nourse (August 11, 1928 – July 19, 1992). He was an American science fiction writer and physician. He wrote both juvenile and adult science fiction, as well as nonfiction works about medicine and science. His SF works sometimes focused on medicine and/or psionics.

1 - Bear Trap, Part I
2 - Bear Trap, Part II
3 - Bear Trap, Part III
4 - Brightside Crossing
5 - Consignment
6 - Prime Difference

Four Science Fiction Stories by G.L.Vandenburg
Read by Phil Chenevert
Running Time:1:55:40 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
G.L.Vandenburg wrote quirky and funny Science Fiction stories for Amazing Science Fiction Stories, and similar magazines in the 1950's. These four are a selection that give a good taste of his offbeat approach, strange sense of humor and relaxed narrative style that brought joy and excitement to those of us who bought these magazines and saw his name on the cover. In the first, Martian V.F.W., some strange visitors join a parade; in the second, Jubilation, U.S.A, our first visitors from outer space encounter a One-Armed Bandit and don't exactly hit the jackpot; in the third, Moon Glow, the first Americans on the Moon receive an unwelcome surprise; and in the last, The Observers, a sinister plot involving bald men is thwarted by a dumb secretary
1 - Martian V.F.W.
2 - Jubilation, U.S.A.
3 - Moon Glow
4 - The Observers, part 1
5 - The Observers, part 2

Charles-François Tiphaigne de La Roche 
(1722 - 1744)
Read by by Kirk Ziegler
Running Time:03:16:38 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
After having gone over the whole world and visited all the inhabitants, I find it does not answer the pains I have taken. I have just been reviewing my memoirs concerning the several nations, their prejudices, their customs and manners, their politics, their laws, their religion, their history; and I have thrown them all into the fire. It grieves me to record such a monstrous mixture of humanity and barbarous, of grandeur and meanness, of reason and folly.
The small part, I have preserved, is what I am now publishing. If it has no other merit, certainly it has novelty to recommend it. (Introduction to Giphantia)

Lion Loose
James H. Schmitz 
(1911 - 1981)
Read by Winston Tharp
Running Time:02:18:44 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
The most dangerous of animals is not the biggest and fiercest—but the one that's hardest to stop. Add intelligence to that ... and you may come to a wrong conclusion as to what the worst menace is.... - Summary by Analog Science Fact & Fiction

Short Science Fiction Collection 016
Read by Multiple Readers
Running Time:3:18:46 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Science fiction (abbreviated SF or sci-fi with varying punctuation and case) is a broad genre of fiction that often involves sociological and technical speculations based on current or future science or technology. This is a reader-selected collection of short stories that entered the US public domain when their copyright was not renewed.
1 - All Day September - Roger Kuykendall
2 - Beyond the Door - Philip K. Dick
3 - Blessed Are the Meek - G. C. Edmondson
4 - The Calm Man - Frank Belknap Long
5 - The Crystal Crypt - Philip K. Dick
6 - The Gift Bearer - Charles L Fontenay
7 - Out of This World Convention - Forrest James Ackerman
8 - A Scientist Rises - Desmond Winter Hall
9 - Texas Week - Albert Hemhuter
10 - Year of the Big Thaw - Marion Zimmer Bradley

The Goddess of Atvatabar
William Richard Bradshaw
 (1851 - 1927)
Read by Nigel Fisher
Running Time:08:56:19 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
An accident during a polar expedition leads the crew of the Polar King to the discovery of an entire world within the earth. Within the interior realm lies a vast ocean with continents and civilizations unknown to the outside world. The societies within possess new technologies and magics unknown to the outside world and these are lovingly described in great detail by the author. The crew proceed to explore and in true Victorian fashion then conquer the new world. An extraordinary feat of imagination and inventiveness by this obscure author.

The House on the Borderland
William Hope Hodgson
 (1877 - 1918)
Read by John Van Stan
Running Time:05:38:29
This story helped propel 19th Century gothic fiction in the direction of “cosmic” horror. In fact, H.P. Lovecraft lists it as among his greatest influences. It begins simply enough: with two friends stumbling upon a ruined and curious house while vacationing in a remote village. After reading the tattered journal of the old recluse who lived there, they are shocked to discover an inter-dimensional, reality-bending nightmare full of nearly-indescribable horrors that range from demons, to bestial (somewhat Lovecraftian) monsters, and devastating parasitic fungal diseases.

The Moon Maid
Edgar Rice Burroughs 
(1875 - 1950)
Read by Thomas A. Copeland
Running Time:06:21:06 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Sabotage accidentally takes Earth's first manned interplanetary expedition to the Moon, where a sub-lunar adventure ensues, involving two intelligent species and a good deal of fighting as well as romance. The perceptive reader will perceive the author's peculiar notions concerning the behavior of volcanoes, an offense against scientific fact that is hard to pardon in a writer of science fiction, but if it can be overlooked, the variety of incident and the fast pace of the action, full of surprises, amply repay the reader's generous indulgence.

The Planet Mappers
Edward Everett Evans (1893 - 1958)
Read by Multiple Readers
Running Time:05:44:05 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
The Carver family are out in space, traveling to new worlds to check them out for colonization. But, when Mr. Carver has an accident, and remains out of commission for the trip, his sons, Jon and Jak, step up and take over their trip. The boys use their different talents to make their journey a successful one!

The Raid of Dover: A Romance of the Reign of Woman A.D. 1940
Douglas Morey Ford 
(1851 - 1916)
Read by by Kirk Ziegler
Running Time:06:12:58 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Britain is ruled by women who experience invasion and natural disasters. Men eventually figure out a plan to regain power to replace the government.
1 - Chapter 1 How Nicholas JardineRose
2 - Chapter 2 How England Fell
3 - Chapter 3 Aboard the Air-Ship
4 - Chapter 4. The Star of LIfe
5 - Chapter 5 A Three-Fold Pledge
6 - Chapter 6 The Revolt of Woman
7 - Chapter 7 The Price of Power
8 - Chapter 8 Wardlaw's Works
9 - Chapter 9 The Losened Grip
10 - Chapter 10 Zenobia's Dream
11 - Chapter 11 The New Amazons
12 - Chapter 12 A Secret and a Thunderbolt
13 - Chapter 13 The Raid of the Eagles
14 - Chapter 14 The Fight for the Fort
15 - Chapter 15 In the Heart of the Hill
16 - Chapter 16 Signs and Wonders
17 - Chapter 17 How the Raid Failed
18 - Chapter 18 The Wreck of the Air-Ship
19 - Chapter 19 The Coup D'État
20 - Chapter 20 Linked Lives
21 - Chapter 21 The Wrath of Sul

The Stolen Bacillus and other stories
H. G. Wells 
(1866 - 1946)
Read by Multiple Readers
Running Time:04:52:59 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
A collection of 15 humorous short stories by the original master of speculative fiction: H. G. Wells. This was the first collection of short stories published by the author, and contains a mixture of fantasy, science-fiction and humor!
1 - The Stolen Bacillus
2 - The Flowering of the Strange Orchid
3 - In the Avu Observatory
4 - Triumphs of a Taxidermist
5 - A Deal in Ostriches
6 - Through a Window
7 - The Temptation of Harringay
8 - The Flying Man
9 - The Diamond Maker
10 - Aepyornis Island
11 - The Remarkable Case of Davidson’s Eyes
12 - The Lord of the Dynamos
13 - The Hammerpond Park Burglary
14 - A Moth - Genus Novo
15 - The Treasure in the Forest

  • Our Audiobooks are Complete and Unabridged (unless otherwise indicated)
  • Our Audiobooks are always read by real people, never by computers.
  • Please Note: These recorded readings are from the author's original works which are in the public domain. All recordings and artwork are in the public domain and there are no infringements or copyrights. Each track starts with "This is a LibriVox recording...."
  • Although Librivox has graciously made these recordings available to the public domain, they are not associated with the sale of this product.

Public domain books

A public-domain book is a book with no copyright, a book that was created without a license, or a book where its copyrights expired or have been forfeited.

In most countries the of copyright expires on the first day of January, 70 years after the death of the latest living author. The longest copyright term is in Mexico, which has life plus 100 years for all deaths since July 1928.

A notable exception is the United States, where every book and tale published before 1926 is in the public domain; American copyrights last for 95 years for books originally published between 1925 and 1978 if the copyright was properly registered and maintained.