This exquisite piece of art, titled "DROPS", is a unique creation by the talented artist Victor Arseni. Measuring 6 inches in width and 4 inches in height, this mini masterpiece is made of high-quality materials including cotton canvas, canvas, and cardboard. Featuring a beautiful blend of urban, contemporary, figurative, experimental, realism, fantasy, illustration, and impressionism styles, this painting portrays a stunning display of nature, landscapes, botanicals, gardens, leisure, peace, forests, trees, cityscapes, and seasons. The painting is signed by the artist and comes with a certificate of authenticity. With free shipping and 100% quality assurance, this original art piece is a must-have for art lovers and collectors.

My paintings are so conceived that when even a drop of light hits the paintings, the light reflected is doubled. The strength of the color of the paints and the special technique creates the illusion that the light comes from within the painting.