This is a 2-volume hardcover series, "Pressure Vessel and Piping: Design and Analysis," is a valuable asset for any adult interested in mechanical engineering. 

Written by ASME, this first edition set was published in 1972 and is considered vintage. 

The books are in good condition and are a great addition to any reference library. The content is focused on design and analysis, covering topics such as pressure vessel and piping design. The books are written in English and are part of the ASME book series. 

This nonfiction narrative is an excellent resource for those in the engineering and technology genre.

This listing is for Pressure vessels and piping design and analysis-a decade of progress published in two(2) volumes with titles as stated below:

  1. Volume I :   Analysis of Design                                                         Published in 1972
  2. Volume II :  Components And Structural Dynamics                      Published in 1972