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Jewelry Leather Hides Buffed Flowers Brown

Jewelry Leather Hides Buffed Flowers Brown

Genuine Italian LambSkin Jewelry Leather Hides Buffed Flowers Brown Finish. Imprinted with a flower design, the face of this Italian lambskin leather is semi-buffed brown. This imprinted characteristic gives it a two-tone effect that can be seen as light reflects off of the skin. Pliable for all projects and maintains a buttery soft touch. A beautiful piece of art work design!

  • SUGGESTED USE: Garments, Clothing, Handbags, Hats, Gloves, Chaps, Dolls, Slippers, Motorcycle Seats, Chairs, Upholsteries, Cushions, Craft Projects, Trimmings / Accents and More!

  • THICKNESS: 0.6 to 0.8 mm = 1.2 to 1.6 oz. Thin and pliable for all projects, you can sew with a home sewing machine or by hand.

  • COLOR: Brown

  • SELECTION: The best possible selection. Virtually no defects.

Size Price
9 Sq. Ft.= Approx Surf 24″ W X 36″ L $148.78
1 Sq. Ft. = Approx Surf 12″ W X 12″ L $34.96
Sample Size is: 2.5″ W X 5″ L. $16.96
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