Here and there a little tear on the grills, other than that in superb condition as pictured.

A few things in my humbled fashion I should like to relate to the completely hollow discussions - you might find - about Mk 1 or mk2, or whichever version has better bass:

The difference between the very drivers any pair was assembled with bears more significance than the perceived or real differences attributed to insignificant changes made to the drivers.

Secondly, even more to the point, they are VERY sensitive of positioning.

Thirdly, without the genuine stands (that were designed for a reason to them, which was NOT so marketing forced at the time as it is today) you loose all dispersion, imaging, bass quality as well as attack, everything that makes them stand tall to this day:  musicality, energy and precision in an unmatched pack for money that many of us can afford.

(On spikes only? You don't get my point.)

One last thing that is most relevant: they reveal any system weakness ruthlessly. See the other side: they can go along with any upgrade sounding ever better with every step taken in the right direction.

Thanks for listening.

Obviously collection in person.

Up to 60 miles, I am prepared to transport system at fuel cost to and from, counted on 40 mpg level.

If you choose this, please CONTACT ME FIRST, SO WE CAN AGREE ON transport cost payable in cash at your place.

Check my reputation if you wish, Thanks