Roman Imperial ae sestertius of Hadrian, 117-138 A.D., Sear (2000) 3647, R.I.C. 782, 23.8 gms, 32 mm. The obverse shows the legend "HADRIANVS AVG. COS. III P.P.", with the laureate bust of Hadrian to the right. The reverse shows the legend  " S  C ", with Hadrian, bareheaded, standing to the right, with his right foot on a crocodile, and holding a spear and a parazonium. Rome 134-135 AD. Both sides are primarily dark brown, with just traces of green tone near the edges of some of the design. This is a genuine, original coin, not a copy, replica, or reproduction. EX. Joel D. Coen, Inc., New York, N.Y., Sept., 1990.