•  Durability: Mango wood is a durable hardwood. As strong as Oak, it doesn’t wear out quickly and ages beautifully. Due to its properties, Mango furniture can last for decades. 
  • Sustainability: Mango wood is highly sustainable due to its cultivation as a fruit tree. The trees grow to maturity relatively quickly for a hardwood, reaching maturity after about 15 years. At this point they begin to produce less fruit, or stop altogether. As Mango farmers plant new trees every 7 to 15 years, before the older trees become barren, it creates a sustainable cycle of plantation and harvest, with only the less ‘fruitful’ tree being chopped down to wood. 
  • Affordable: As a result of its sustainability, Mango wood is also more affordable than its hardwood competitors. Once the tree has been felled, it requires minimal processing which also helps to keep the cost down.
  • Uniqueness: Mango wood is popular for its distinctive texture and patterns, as well as beautiful wood grain. Due to the variation in the wood colour, no piece of Mango furniture is the same which means you are guaranteed a piece of furniture that can’t be replicated.