This is a VERY limited special offer, available only until we run out of stock of the old edition. We have just a few copies left!

While the new edition of this classic contains all the locks presented in the original edition, some smiths may appreciate having a new copy of the old edition with its original hand-drawn illustrations and CAD drawings.

Until the 118-page, spiral bound original edition sold out, it was retailing for $25.00.

You can now have it free of charge when you order the new edition - and if you order quickly!

Here is the complete review of the original edition of The Spruce Forge Manual written by our friend, the late and great Jock Dempsey, over at Anvil Fire.

"This is one of the rare few books on locksmithing available with full details of how to make locks. Many of the locks are similar to the types in Persian Locks which goes to show how timeless and universal some of these designs are. It has many excellent but slightly thin lined CAD illustrations that are typical of the time that this book was created (1999). There are also grainy digital reproductions of photos of finished locks. Luckily the important information is in the clear step by step drawings. The illustrations include full scale template drawings for the purpose laying out the parts and pieces. Every detail is covered including how to perform each needed operation in a small shop with hand tools.

There is a nice introductory section on the shop with useful information for setting up to do detailed work of locksmithing. There is also a general how-to section in the back of the book that covers some specifics to lock making. 

The locks in this book are the simple types made by general blacksmiths, not the professional high art locksmith. They are simple designs intended for common or rural use. These are the types of locks that every blacksmith was expected to know how to make if called upon. This is a reference that should be on every blacksmiths book shelf.

Spiral Bound, 118 pages, B&W illustrations and working drawings, size 8-1/2 x 11 inches.- Jock Dempsey

And here are just a few of the many great reviews the new edition has received:

“The practical approach to the subject is refreshing, as it removes some of the smoke and mirrors often associated with the topic. With over 800 clear photographs and illustrations, coupled with very detailed written instructions, this is a book that I wish I had written." - Mark Aspery, author, instructor, artist-blacksmith.

“Revised and expanded is an understatement! This 300-page hardcover book is a fantastic reference for anyone interested in building locks in traditional fashion and so much more. The first 66 pages are entitled “Technical Information”, but this is not your typical “how to set up your forge and shop” type thesis. Instead the authors get you quickly into tools for precision work, combining the world of the blacksmith with the glory of bench work. This is the first time I've seen a discussion on how to do brazing in the forge in a list of “basic” techniques. As I said, not your typical introduction to blacksmithing stuff.

For the blacksmith the making of locks is an age-old tradition and the authors of the New Spruce Forge Manual of Locksmithing have done their best to preserve this tradition by passing on their knowledge of this skill set to you!

I particularly like the fact that they have kept their approach low-tech enough that you can create good work without having to have a shop full of tools. I also like the aspects of learning benchwork that they have presented.

Not everything that a blacksmith makes has to be hot. File and cold chisel work are very useful skills for any blacksmith to acquire.

This manual for $44.95 will become one of those books that you will come back to time and time again, even if you aren't making a lock.” – David Sandlin, Clinker Breaker (official publication of the Florida Artist Blacksmith Association)

"I have many books about forging (been forging for 37 years, full time for 30 years) in my library and I have to say this book is one of the best. Everything about this book should be the benchmark for how a craft book should be written/ illustrated. Bloody fine job, gentlemen!!!!" - 1clinkerman.

"WOW! This is a quality book in every way." Patricia Dawson, Hot Iron News (publication of the Northwest Blacksmith Association).