The NorCal 40B-Hybrid is a compact and efficient 40-meter CW transceiver. No other QRP transceiver offers its combination of extremely low current drain, high performance, reliability, and ease of assembly. These and other features have led many operators to choose the NorCal 40 radios, both for home station and lightweight field use.

This kit is of primarily through hole construction, with three SOIC-8 SMT ICs.

Originally a project of the Northern California QRP Club, the NorCal 40B and its predecessors, the NorCal 40 and 40A have been field-tested by thousands of QRP enthusiasts world-wide.

With the NorCal 40B, the classic design has been further revised, making it easier than ever to build and operate.  We've retained an essential ingredient that has made this rig so successful: the flexibility to adapt the ‘40B to your own needs.  There’s plenty of extra front- and rear-panel and interior space.


Numeric values given are typical; your results will be somewhat different. All measurements were made with a 13.8V supply and 50Ω load at the antenna.


Size: 1.3" (H) x 4.6" (W) x 4.5" (D)

Power Requirements: 2.1 x 5.5mm coaxial plug, center positive.

Receive: 10 to 16 VDC; reverse-polarity protection

15 to 20 mA

Transmit: 400 mA - 500 mA at 3.0 watts output

VFO frequency: 2.085 MHz nominal2

Tuning Range: Any 40 to 45 kHz segment of the 40m CW 

band  (7.0-7.15MHz)

Drift: 100Hz total from cold start at 65°F

Dial calibration: Supplied by builder


Max Output: 1.0 to 3.0 W.

PA efficiency: Up to 90%

Load Tolerance: 1.5:1 SWR, brief operation into high SWR

No PA damage when transmitting into open 

antenna connection.

Antenna: 50Ω BNC

Transmit offset: 400-800 Hz, adjustable

T/R (transmit-receive) delay: 200 milliseconds


Sensitivity: Better than 0.2uV for 10dB S+N/N

Min. discernible signal (MDS): -137dBm

Selectivity: 400Hz @ -6dB, 1.5kHz @ -30dB

Blocking dynamic range: 108dB

Two-tone dynamic range: 89dB

IF: 4.915MHz, 4-pole Cohn crystal filter

R.I.T. Range: +/- 2kHz at center of VFO tuning range

Audio output impedance: 8 Ώ or higher (headphones or speaker)

(3.5mm headphone plug required - see Operation)