What you are purchasing:

A new unopened Romac SFI approved Engine Damper with steel inner and steel exterior.

My walk in customers pay $382.00 for this damper. Please do not purchase if you are not sure what you are buying! This is for the engine builder who knows what they want, and how to install. I have been building and balancing engines for over 40 years, and I can tell you if your engine is off even the slightest amount it WILL catch up with you. I have 7 of these dampers left on my shelf and need to rid myself of old stock before reordering proper quantities of new stock.

As you see I'm new to eBay, I just build engines; and if you want the best balanced engine BUY ROMAC! If you choose not to buy this damper from me, do yourself a favor and buy Romac elsewhere. This damper will save you time, money and most important engine life! If you've been waiting to build your engine due to your budget, this is the opportunity you have been waiting for! The only thing I ask in return is to leave good feedback! Please take the time to shop the market before purchasing, so you can see how much you are saving (might be nice to hear in the comments).

You will also notice I am selling one at a time; this is to prevent other retailers from purchasing all my stock. My purpose is to afford you the opportunity you have been waiting for, while allowing me to rotate my stock. This is crazy savings!


Billet Steel.

SFI Approved