This game lot includes Super Dungeon Explore, Ninja Allstars and Rail Raiders. Players can enjoy a fantasy-themed board games with 2 to 6 players. The lot contains a huge collection of Super Dungeon Explore 1st edition, Forgotten King plus a huge chunk of the smaller expansions and addons. 2 copies of Ninja Allstars both the Kickstarter set and the regular edition. one set still factory sealed plus most of the addons. Rail Raiders Kickstarter edition plus all addons. An edition to A huge set of 3d printed minis to add more fun with nods to movies, TV shows and other games. Most minis are unpainted with a few that were painted once but have had the paint removed plus 2 minis that were painted for a contest years ago. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out and I'll gladly answer.