USA MEG - Military Energy Gum -
6 Pack - Spearmint

100mg of Caffeine per piece.

Military Energy Gum 6-Pack - Spearmint
4 - 5 year Expiry

(Contains 5 pieces of gum per packet)

This gum produces an energy hit much faster than an energy drink (effective within 5 minutes), without the huge amount of sugar, having to fill your stomach with liquid or worry about refrigeration.

1 piece of this gum contains 100mg of caffeine. Chewing 1 piece of gum is equivalent in caffeine content to a standard, popular energy drink.

A pocket-sized air-tight packet contains 5 pieces of gum. (equivalent to 5 energy drinks).

If you are a shift worker or outdoors enthusiast, whether you are a Hospital Worker, Police, Ambulance, Fire Fighter, SES, Factory Worker, Truck Driver, Cab Driver, Bus Driver, Professional Athlete, Hiker, Camper, Hunter,
or you're just plain buggered,
KICK ON with Military Energy Gum - United States Military ration and performance aid for the NRL Canterbury Bulldogs.

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This nice and soft, tasty gum unlike the nasty gum we are used to here in Australia is used by snipers and was developed specifically to prevent fatigue-related deaths among army personnel.

At 100 milligrams of Caffeine a piece, MEG is the strongest caffeinated gum ever made.

The Military-Spec Caffeine Story

Marketright Inc. and the Military have worked together for six years to help stop fatigue related injuries and deaths.
The result, Military Spec Caffeine Gum, is finally in production and available to the U.S. Armed Forces and security agencies.
Troops no longer have to resort to eating freeze dried coffee grounds in the field to keep alert.
Military Spec Caffeine Gum has been field tested by Military Labs.
Military Spec Caffeine Gum has been proven to be an effective and efficient tool for addressing the fatigue/sleep deprivation problems that have been causing injuries and deaths among our troops. Not only does Military Spec Caffeine Gum decrease accidents, but it increases soldier performance. Clinical studies have proven increased physical and cognitive performance as well as improved marksmanship and overall vigilance under sleep deprived conditions.
It has been concluded that Military Spec Caffeine Gum provides a rapid absorption of caffeine through the oral membrane in the mouth, while also being a lightweight, compact, and convenient vehicle.
Military Spec Caffeine Gum decreases accidents – increases performance – saves lives.

Development Chronology

1998 – Military Spec Caffeine Gum becomes part of the military fatigue relief research program.
1999 – Program receives $250M budget line item to fund initial research through Speaker Dennis Hastert.
2000 – Study is successfully completed showing oral speed of absorption and effect on alertness and cognitive abilities.
2001 – The Military Committee On Military Research Recommends Military Spec Caffeine Gum for Military Operations – recommends chewing gum for speed of absorption and action.
2002 – Completes performance research – statistically significant improvement in simulated war games.
2003 – Successfully completes tolerance studies and low user, high user studies.
2003 – Military Labs completed soldier acceptability study – functionality scores high, will use if available scores high.
2003 – Product was provided for use in Afghanistan and Iraq.
2003 – Canadian Military Service conducts field study – statistically significant improvement in marksmanship upon chewing Military Spec Caffeine Gum.
2003 – Military Spec Caffeine Gum is approved for Department of Defense (DOD) catalog to supply every battalion.
2004 – Clinicals completed, proving Military Spec Caffeine Gum enhances physical performance.
2005 – Military Labs approves usage of Military Spec Caffeine Gum and assignment of the National Stock Number, also recommends procurement by Battalion Commanders.

- Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Department of Neurobiology and Behavior
- Pharmacokinetics – Biopharmaceutics Laboratory, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy,  University of Maryland at Baltimore.
“In summary, caffeine administered in the chewing gum formulation was absorbed at a significantly faster rate while its bioavailability was near comparable to that of the capsule formulation for the 100mg and 200mg dose groups.”
“Consequently, military spec caffeine gum chewing gum is a convenient and effective means of rapidly administering caffeine and may prove useful in ameliorating the effects of mental or physical fatigue associated with sleep deprivation or shift work.”

    - Institute of Medicine , Committee on Military Nutrition Research, Food and Nutrition Board 
“The use of a caffeinated chewing gum would appear to provide the most rapid absorption.”
     “Chewing gums are more appropriate if rapid absorption and actions are needed, or weight or bulk is a concern.”      
“Pills and gums are both very lightweight and small in size, so they can easily be carried in pockets; gum has the advantage of stimulating salivation and enhancing the speed of absorption.”
     “The committee concludes that under certain circumstances, chewing gums may offer practical operational advantages over a food bar.”

- Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Department of Neurobiology and Behavior
- Defense Research and Development Canada - Toronto
“Current military doctrine requires the ability to maintain round the clock operations in order to achieve mission objectives.  Sleep loss impairs cognitive performance, and physical tasks that involve self-pacing and motivation are also affected.”
“Results: military spec caffeine gum maintained marksmanship vigilance in conventional troops at 85% for the duration of the second night without sleep as compared with the soldiers receiving the Placebo, who significantly declined to 61.4 + 28.2%.”
“Conclusions: It was concluded that military spec caffeine gum was an effective strategy to sustain vigilance and alertness during military operations involving sleep deprivation.”