“Constant fascination and uninhibited suspense…behind its serene and lustrous surface of walnut paneling, old silver and fabulous jewels, there seethes a delicious suggestion of refined passion, mysterious poisons and slow death.”
 – Bosley Crowther, The New York Times

“Slickly served up with all the full flavorings of romance, tragedy, revenge, intrigue and suspense. Like the du Maurier novel, it has all the well-mixed ingredients of a sure bestseller.”
– Time

Based on the best-selling novel by Daphne du Maurier (author of the peerless Rebecca), My Cousin Rachel (1952) weaves an eerie tale of Gothic romance, set against the backdrop of the wild, rock-ribbed Cornish coast. Richard Burton, in his first American film role, stars as an anguished young Englishman, torn between dark suspicion of and uncontrollable passion for his guardian’s widow, the alluring and mysterious Rachel (Olivia de Havilland). With atmospheric direction by Henry Koster (The Robe) and a darkly romantic score by Franz Waxman (Sunset Boulevard), My Cousin Rachel is a seductive entry in the annals of cinematic ambiguity.

LANGUAGE: English   
VIDEO: 1080p High Definition / 1:33:1  
AUDIO:  English 1.0 DTS-HD MA  
1952 / B&W  

Special Features:  Isolated Music Track / My Cousin Rachel Vintage Radio Show / Original Theatrical Trailer