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  This USB contains 250 interesting books about Delaware.
 You will discover information on many topics such as First State, Wilmington, Dover, Delaware River, Delaware Bay, Blue Hen State, Tax-free shopping, Delaware Beaches, DuPont, Delaware Memorial Bridge and many more!


  This outstanding book collection serves as an excellent resource for anyone interested in Delaware!





A history of the state of Delaware; from its first settlement until the present time, containing a full account of the first Dutch and Swedish settlements, with a description of its geography and geology (1870) - Vincent, F. - 552 pages

Delaware archives Vol.1 (1911) - n.a. - 644 pages
Delaware, a history of the first state (1947) - Reed, H. C. - 560 pages
History of the state of Delaware Vol.1 (1908) - Conrad, H. C. - 476 pages
Stories of the beginning of Delaware County (1932) - Bailey, B. - 140 pages

250th anniversary of the first Swedish settlement in America (1889) - Mattson, H. - 88 pages

A branch of the Peery family tree; ancestors and descendants of James Peery who came to Delaware about 1730 (1931) - Perry, L. - 136 pages

A brief account of the services rendered by the Second Regiment Delaware Volunteers in the war of the rebellion (1909) - Smith, R. G. - 54 pages
A brief history of the colony of New Sweden (1909) - Arfwedson, C. D. - 74 pages

A brief sketch of the military operations on the Delaware during the late war; together with a copy of the muster-rolls of the several volunteer-corps which composed the Advance Light Brigade, as they stood at the close of the campaign of one thousand eight hundred and fourteen (1820) - McCulloh, R. P. - 110 pages

A calendar of Ridgely family letters, 1742-1899, in the Delaware State archives Vol.1 (1948) - n.a. - 414 pages
A calendar of Ridgely family letters, 1742-1899, in the Delaware State archives Vol.2 (1948) - n.a. - 418 pages

A calendar of Ridgely family letters, 1742-1899, in the Delaware State archives Vol.3 (1948) - n.a. - 414 pages

A collection of hymns, for the use of the Delaware Christian Indians, of the missions of the United Brethren, in North America (1847) - Zeisberger, D. - 318 pages

A Delaware Indian legend and the story of their troubles (1899) - Adams, R. C. - 88 pages

A Delaware Indian Symposium (1974) - Kraft, H. C. - 176 pages

A discourse on the religion of the Indian tribes of North America (1820) - Jarvis, S. F. - 124 pages
 A friendly heritage along the Delaware; the Taylors of Washington Crossing and some allied families in Bucks County (1959) - Bye, A. E. - 280 pages

A gazetteer of Delaware (1904) - Gannett, H. - 106 pages

A historical inquiry concerning Henry Hudson, his friends, relatives and early life, his connection with the Muscovy company and discovery of Delaware Bay (1866) - Read, J. M. - 228 pages

A history of Delaware county, Pennsylvania Vol.1 (1932) - Palmer, C. - 390 pages

A history of Delaware county, Pennsylvania Vol.2 (1932) - Palmer, C. - 146 pages

A history of Milford, Delaware (1962) - n.a. - 160 pages

A history of New Sweden; or, The settlements on the river Delaware (1874) - Acrelius, I. - 520 pages

A history of the Moravian mission among the Indians (1917) - Stocker, H. E. - 446 pages
A history of the original settlements on the Delaware (1846) - Ferris, B. - 350 pages

A history of the Talley family on the Delaware, and their descendants (1899) - Talley, G. A. - 276 pages

A narrative of the mission of the United Brethren among the Delaware and Mohegan Indians (1820) - Heckewelder, J. G. E. - 438 pages

A study of Delaware Indian medicine practice and folk beliefs (1942) - Tantaquidgeon, G. - 110 pages
A tour of four great rivers; the Hudson, Mohawk, Susquehanna, and Delaware in 1769 (1906) - Smith, R. - 223 pages

Address before the literary societies of Delaware College (1846) - Hall, W. - 40 pages

Address on the history of the boundaries of the state of Delaware (1879) - Houston, J. W. - 120 pages
Address on the life, character, and services of Com. Jacob Jones (1851) - Clayton, J. M. - 36 pages

Address to the people of Delaware, on the approaching presidential election (1828) - n.a. - 30 pages

Address to the people of New-Jersey, relative to a bridge over the Delaware River at Trenton, and a rail-road from Trenton to New-Brunswick (1834) - n.a. - 14 pages
 Addresses delivered at the formal presentation of the portraits of the governors of Delaware to the state, Thursday, May 26th, 1898. State capitol, Dover, Delaware (1898) - Conard, H. C. - 124 pages

All five of his sons fought in the American Revolution; Revolutionary War records relating to the Cathell family of the Eastern Shore of Maryland and Delaware (1946) - Connelly, A. P. - 32 pages

Allied families of Delaware; Stretcher, Fenwick, Davis, Draper, Kipshaven, Stidham (1901) - Sellers, E. J. - 182 pages

Allotment of the lands to Delaware Indians (1904) - n.a. - 278 pages

Amendments to general election law, 1917 (1918) - n.a. - 24 pages

An address embracing the early history of Delaware (1842) - Foot, G. - 78 pages

An address to the inhabitants of the state of Delaware (1843) - Philanthropos - 36 pages
An enquiry into the causes of the alienation of the Delaware and Shawanese Indians from the British interest (1759) - Thomas, C. - 266 pages

Ancestry of Ralph Carmalt Wilson of Dover, Delaware (1961) - Massey, G. V. - 188 pages
Annals of Pennsylvania; from the discovery of the Delaware, 1609-1682 (1850) - Hazard, S. - 686 pages

Annals of the Swedes on the Delaware, from their first settlement in 1636, to the present time (1858) - Clay, J. C. - 200 pages
Articles wills and deeds creating the entail of Pennsylvania and three lower counties upon Delaware in the Penn family (1870) - n.a. - 194 pages
 Articles, wills and deeds creating the entail of Pennsylvania and three lower counties upon Delaware in the Penn family (1870) - n.a. - 192 pages
At the forks of the Delaware, 1794-1811 (1920) - Kelsey, R. W. - 40 pages
 Biographical and genealogical history of the state of Delaware Vol.1 (1899) - Runk, J. M. - 1478 pages

Biographical and genealogical history of the state of Delaware Vol.2 (1899) - Runk, J. M. - 1496 pages

Biographical sketch of Caesar Augustus Rodney; read before the Grand Lodge of Delaware (1853) - Read, W. T. - 34 pages

Biography of Frances Slocum, the lost sister of Wyoming (1891) - Meginness, J. F. - 270 pages

Burial records, 1713-65, Holy Trinity (Old Swedes) Church (1953) - Springer, C. B. - 48 pages
 Calendar of Kent county, Delaware, probate records, 1680-1800 (1944) - n.a. - 702 pages

Captain Charles Corbit's charge at Westminster with a squadron of the First Delaware cavalry, June 29, 1863 (1913) - Wilson, J. H. - 50 pages
Captain John Avery; president judge at the Whorekill in Delaware bay, and his descendants (1898) - Sellers, E. J. - 96 pages

Cases in the circuit court of the United States for the third circuit Vol.2 (1849) - Wallace, J. W. - 633 pages

Cases in the circuit court of the United States for the third circuit; with an appendix (1849) - Wallace, J. W. - 581 pages
Catalogue and errata of the records of Holy Trinity (Old Swedes) Church (1919) - Burr, H. - 176 pages

Catalogue of papers relating to Pennsylvania and Delaware, deposited at the State Paper Office, London (1850) - n.a. - 184 pages
 Catalogue of the officers and students of Delaware College Newark, Delaware, 1846-'47 (1816) - n.a. - 30 pages

Causes of the alienation of the Delaware and Shawanese Indians from the British interest (1867) - Thomson, C. - 204 pages

Centennial services of Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church, Wilmington, Delaware, October 13-20, 1889 (1889) - Hanna, J. D. C. - 356 pages
Charles Springer of Cranehook-on-the-Delaware, his descendants and allied families (1959) - Springer, J. E. - 698 pages

Charter to William Penn, and laws of the province of Pennsylvania (1879) - n.a. - 645 pages
 Churches in Delaware during the revolution, with a brief account of their settlement and growth (1925) - Waterston, E. - 146 pages

Circular and plan of endowment of Delaware college, Newark, Delaware (1851) - n.a. - 30 pages
Claims of the Delaware Indians (1921) - Adams, R. C. - 64 pages
 Colonial mansions of Maryland and Delaware (1914) - Hammond, J. M. - 442 pages
Communicant records, 1713-56, Triniity (Old Swedes) Church (1953) - Springer, C. B. - 168 pages

"Constitution of the State of Delaware, adopted in convention, June 4th, A.D. 1897
(1903) - n.a. - 79 pages"
 Consumptives in Delaware (1902) - Black, J. J. - 28 pages

Contributions to the early history of Bryan McDonald and family, settlers in 1689, on Red Clay Creek, Mill Creek Hundred (or Township) Newcastle County, Delaware (1879) - McDonald, F. V. - 138 pages

Crane Hook church, predecessor of the Old Swedes' church at Wilmington, Delaware (1895) - Pusey, P. - 74 pages
Delaware archives Vol.2 (1911) - n.a. - 432 pages

Delaware archives Vol.3 (1911) - n.a. - 534 pages

Delaware archives Vol.4 (1911) - n.a. - 562 pages
Delaware archives Vol.5 (1911) - n.a. - 560 pages

Delaware historic events (1946) - Cooch, E. W. - 172 pages

Delaware recitation festival (1900) - n.a. - 22 pages

Delaware school code, 1919 (1919) - n.a. - 124 pages
 Delaware tercentenary almanack & historical repository, 1938 (1937) - n.a. - 64 pages

Delaware trees (1937) - Taber, W. S. - 254 pages
Delaware, the diamond state, the garden spot of the country, some pictures, facts and figures of especial value to prospective settlers (1911) - n.a. - 74 pages

 Delaware's forgotten river; the story of the Christina (1947) - Weslager, C. A. - 576 pages

Delaware's industries, an historical and industrial review (1891) - n.a. - 500 pages

Delmarva Business Directory, 1931 (1931) - n.a. - 34 pages

Dependent, delinquent and defective children of Delaware (1918) - Richardson, C. S. - 116 pages

Descendants of Valentine Hollingsworth, Sr. (1925) - Stewart, J. A. - 232 pages

Digest of laws relating to free schools in the state of Delaware (1881) - n.a. - 76 pages
Directory of churches and religious organizations in Delaware (1942) - n.a. - 350 pages

Directory of Delaware schools (n.d.) - n.a. - 840 pages
Dutch and Quakers (1919) - Goodwin, M. W. - 510 pages

Dutch and Swedish land records relating to Delaware (1954) - Dunlap, A. R. - 42 pages
Early clergy of Pennsylvania and Delaware (1890) - Hotchkin, S. F. - 582 pages

Early colonial taxation in Delaware (1938) - Daugherty, M. M. - 64 pages

Early historical events in the Delaware Valley (1958) - n.a. - 68 pages

Early history of the Draper family of Sussex County, Delaware (1929) - Sellers, E. J. - 44 pages

Edgell notes, made from original public records in states of Maryland & Delaware (1948) - Bell, A. D. - 30 pages
Educational directory of the state of Delaware, 1918-19 (1916) - n.a. - 84 pages

Emerson's Delaware County rural route directory 1907-1908 (n.d.) - Emerson, C. - 278 pages

Emerson's Delaware County rural route directory 1909-1910 (1910) - Emerson, C. - 538 pages

Emerson's Delaware County rural route directory 1919-1920 (n.d.) - Emerson, C. - 296 pages
 Emerson's Muncie directory and Delaware County gazetter (1927) - n.a. - 1156 pages

Essay of a Delaware-Indian and English spelling-book (1776) - Zeisberger, D. - 122 pages

Fifty years of Delaware college, 1870-1920 (1920) - Vallandigham, E. N. - 156 pages

First and Central Presbyterian Church, Wilmington, Delaware; 1737-1937 (1937) - Williams, W. S. - 116 pages
First Banning genealogy (1908) - Banning, P. W. - 824 pages
Flora of Delaware and the Eastern Shore (1946) - Tatnall, R. R. - 366 pages
Fort Casimir; the starting point in the history of New Castle, in the state of Delaware; its location and history, 1651-1671 (1905) - Cooper, A. - 60 pages
Fort Delaware (1957) - Wilson, W. E. - 44 pages

Four years in the war. The history of the First Regiment of Delaware Veteran Volunteers, (Infantry,) containing an account of marches, battles, incidents, promotions. The names of all the officers and men who have been connected with the regiment from its organization in 1861, to the close of the war in 1865 (1866) - Murphey, T. G. - 332 pages

Friends in Wilmington, 1738-1938 (1938) - n.a. - 180 pages

Friends School in Wilmington, an account of the growth of the school from its beginnings to the present time with mention of some of the men and women who have been a part of it (1948) - n.a. - 148 pages

Genealogy of the Hickman family, beginning with Roger Hickman of Kent county, Delaware (1907) - Hickman, S. - 158 pages

Genealogy of the Hickman family; beginning with Roger Hickman of Kent county, Delaware (1907) - Hickman, S. - 158 pages

Genealogy of the Kollock family of Sussex County, Delaware, 1657-1897 (1897) - Sellers, E. J. - 85 pages

Geographia Americae; with an account of the Delaware Indians, based on surveys and notes made in 1654-1656 (1925) - Lindeström, P., M. - 554 pages

Golden jubilee, Adas Kodesch Congregation, 1890-1940 (1941) - n.a. - 140 pages

Grammar of the language of the Lenni Lenape or Delaware Indians (1827) - Zeisberger, D. - 204 pages
Handbook of the State Library Commission for the State of Delaware (1904) - Kane, F. B. - 114 pages

Henry and Sarah Stretcher and descendants of Delaware (1900) - n.a. - 30 pages

Highlights of Wilmington, Delaware, 1832 1932 (1932) - n.a. - 84 pages

Historic houses and buildings of Delaware (1926) - Eberlein, H. D. - 264 pages

Historical and biographical encyclopaedia of Delaware Vol.1 (1972) - n.a. - 658 pages

Historical and biographical encyclopaedia of Delaware Vol.2 (1972) - n.a. - 774 pages
 Historical etchings of Milford and vicinity (1899) - Hynson, G. B. - 186 pages
Historical sketch of Chester, on Delaware (1883) - Ashmead, H. G. - 382 pages

History of Delaware. 1609-1888 Vol.1 (1888) - Scharf, J. T. - 889 pages

History of Delaware. 1609-1888 Vol.2 (1888) - Scharf, J. T. - 1089 pages

History of Lewes, Delaware (1903) - Pusey, P. - 90 pages
 History of public school education in Delaware (1917) - Weeks, S. B. - 197 pages
History of the Delaware and Iroquois Indians formerly inhabiting the Middle States, with various anecdotes illustrating their manners and customs (1832) - n.a. - 166 pages

History of the First regiment, Delaware volunteers, from the commencement of the "three months' service" to the final muster-out at the close of the rebellion (1884) - Seville, W. P. - 178 pages

History of the state of Delaware Vol.2 (1908) - Conrad, H. C. - 482 pages

History of the state of Delaware Vol.3 (1908) - Conrad, H. C. - 518 pages

History of the Wells and allied families of the Eastern Shore of Maryland and Delaware (1858) - Wells, G. H. - 132 pages

History, manners, and customs of the Indian nations who once inhabited Pennsylvania and the neighboring states (1881) - Heckewelder, J. G. E. - 470 pages

Hollis notes, 1639-1948; from public and private records in the states of Maryland and Delaware (1948) - Bell, A. D. - 82 pages

Hoopesf Haddonfield Directory, 1901 (1901) - n.a. - 138 pages
In castle and colony (1899) - Rayner, E. - 488 pages

Inaugural address of William Cannon, delivered at Dover, upon taking the oath of office as Governor of the state of Delaware, January 20, 1863 (1863) - n.a. - 48 pages
Indian land sales in Delaware (1941) - De Valinger, L. - 42 pages
 John Maull (1714-1753) of Lewes, Delaware, a genealogy of his descendants in all branches (1941) - Maull, B. S. - 302 pages

John Neill of Lewes, Delaware, 1739, and his descendants (1875) - Neill, E. D. - 164 pages

Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Delaware, convened and held at Dover, on Tuesday, the first day of December, A. D. 1896 (1897) - n.a. - 638 pages

Kaskaskunk or Kuskuskee, the great Delaware town on the Big Beaver River an historical sketch (1894) - Agnew, D. - 28 pages

Kith and kin of the John Megee family and descendants of Indian River Hundred, Sussex County, Delaware (1963) - Megee, C. R. - 808 pages

Koningsmarke, the long Finne, a story of the New World (1823) - Paulding, J. K. - 242 pages
Legends of the Delaware Indians and picture writing (1905) - Adams, R. C. - 96 pages
Life and correspondence of George Read, a signer of the Declaration of Independence (1870) - Read, W. T. - 590 pages

Lucas genealogy (1927) - Fisher, L. H. - 52 pages

Manual of the registration and election laws of the state of Delaware for the city of Wilmington (1892) - n.a. - 260 pages
Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, 1862 (1862) - Meek, F. B. - 53 pages

Memoir of John M. Clayton (1882) - Comegys, J. P. - 320 pages
Memoir of Nathaniel B. Smithers (1899) - Smithers, W. T. - 48 pages
 Memorial of the Delaware Indians residing in the Cherokee nation (1904) - n.a. - 108 pages

Message from the governor of Maryland, transmitting the reports of the joint commissioners, and of Lt. Col. Graham, U. S. engineers, in relation to the intersection of the boundary lines of the states of Maryland, Pennsylvania, & Delaware (1850) - Graham, J. D. - 106 pages

Methodism of the peninsula, or, sketches of notable characters and events in the history of Methodism in the Maryland and Delaware peninsula (1886) - Todd, R. W. - 350 pages

Military journal of Major Ebenezer Denny, an officer in the revolutionary and Indian wars (1859) - Denny, E. - 149 pages

Minutes of the Council of the Delaware state from 1776 to 1792 Vol.1 (1887) - n.a. - 1264 pages

Minutes of the Council of the Delaware state from 1776 to 1792 Vol.2 (1887) - n.a. - 1224 pages

Names which the Lenni Lennape or Delaware Indians gave to rivers, streams and localities, within the states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, and Virginia, with their significations (1872) - Heckewelder, J. G. E. - 66 pages

Narratives of early Pennsylvania, West New Jersey and Delaware, 1630-1707 (1912) - Myers, A. C. - 512 pages

New Castle on the Delaware (1950) - n.a. - 202 pages
New Sweden on the Delaware (1938) - Ward, C. - 176 pages

Notes on the early Stalcop family in Delaware (1858) - Staulcup, H. G. - 240 pages
Once upon a time in Delaware (1911) - Pyle, K. - 184 pages

Original land titles in Delaware commonly known as the Duke of York record, being an authorized transcript from the official archives of the state of Delaware, and comprising the letters patent, permits commissions, surveys, plats and confirmations by the Duke of York and other high officials, from 1646 to 1679 (1903) - n.a. - 218 pages

Papers of the Historical Society of Delaware Vol.1 Part 1 (1879) - n.a. - 848 pages

Papers of the Historical Society of Delaware Vol.1 Part 2 (1879) - n.a. - 758 pages

Papers of the Historical Society of Delaware Vol.3 (1879) - n.a. - 954 pages

Papers relating to the history of the church in Delaware, A.D. 1706-1782 (1878) - Perry, W. S. - 172 pages
 Physical anthropology of the Lenape or Delawares, and of the eastern Indians in general (1916) - Hrdlicka, A. - 204 pages

Physicians' and dentists' directory of the states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware (1908) - n.a. - 564 pages

Prison life during the rebellion. Being a brief narrative of the miseries and sufferings of six hundred Confederate prisoners sent from Fort Delaware to Morris' Island to be punished (1869) - Dunkle, J. J. - 110 pages
Public education in Delaware (1918) - Flexner, A. - 168 pages
Records of the court of New Castle on Delaware (1904) - n.a. - 558 pages
Records of the Court of New Castle on Delaware, 1676-1681 (1904) - n.a. - 294 pages
Records of the Welsh Tract Baptist meeting, Pencader Hundred, New Castle County, Delaware, 1701 to 1828 (1904) - Jones, W. - 308 pages
Register of the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America. Delaware (1913) - n.a. - 76 pages

Registration and election laws of the state of Delaware, as found in the revised statutes of 1915, and amended by the ninety-fifth General assembly (1916) - n.a. - 284 pages

Religion and ceremonies of the Lenape (1921) - Harrington, M. R. - 283 pages

Reminiscences of Wilmington, in familiar village tales, ancient and new (1872) - Montgomery, E. - 326 pages
Report on forest conditions in Delaware and a forest policy for the state (1904) - Sterrett, W. D. - 68 pages

Revolutionary War soldiers buried in Delaware County (1900) - n.a. - 32 pages

Rodney's diary and other Delaware records (1911) - Rodney, D. - 168 pages

Samuel Griffin, of New Castle Co. on the Delaware (1905) - Streets, T. H. - 252 pages
School laws for free public schools of the state of Delaware 1898-1913 (1913) - n.a. - 152 pages

School laws for free public schools of the state of Delaware, 1898-1909 (1909) - n.a. - 122 pages

Sketch of early ecclesiastical affairs in New Castle, Delaware (1890) - Holcomb, T. - 268 pages
Some letters of and concerning Major William Peery (1935) - Perry, L. - 68 pages
Some of the first settlers of 'the forks of the Delaware' and their descendants; being a translation from the German of the record books of the First Reformed Church of Easton, Penna., from 1760 to 1852 (1902) - Kieffer, H. M. - 858 pages

Some records of Sussex County, Delaware (1909) - Turner, C. H. B. - 428 pages

Speech of Mr. M'Lane, of Delaware (1820) - McLane, L. - 56 pages

State summary of war casualties, [Delaware] (1946) - n.a. - 12 pages

Tadeuskund, the last king of the Lenape (1825) - Hentz, N. M. - 283 pages

Tancopanican chronicle 1830-1834 (1950) - Crowninshield, L. D. - 482 pages

Ten years' diggings in Lenápè land, 1901-1911 (1912) - Abbott, C. C. - 204 pages

The ancestors and descendants of Bassett Ferguson and of his wife Susan Taylor Ferguson nee Weldon of Appoquinimink hundred, New Castle County, Delaware (1955) - Ferguson, B. B. - 256 pages
The ancient religion of the Delaware Indians and observations and reflections (1904) - Adams, R. C. - 96 pages

The biographical history of Dionysius, tyrant of Delaware; addressed to the people of the United States of America (n.d.) - n.a. - 118 pages

The breviate; in the boundary dispute between Pennsylvania and Maryland (1891) - Penn, J. - 826 pages

The Bunker family; branches early identified with Charlestown, Massachusetts, Nantucket, Massachusetts and Delaware and Maryland, as well as a presentation of early Bunkers and those in Europe (1931) - n.a. - 820 pages

The Chesapeake and Delaware canal (1907) - Haupt, L. M. - 30 pages
The churches of Delaware; a history, in brief, of the nearly 900 churches and former churches in Delaware as located by the author (1947) - Zebley, F. R. - 378 pages
The Clayton family (1904) - Hepburn, H. F. - 120 pages

The Delaware and Hudson Canal, a history (1950) - Le Roy, E. D. - 104 pages
The Delaware curve; the story of the Pennsylvania-Delaware circular boundary (1923) - Hayes, J. C. - 28 pages

The Delaware state directory and gazetteer (1886) - Boyd, W. H. - 568 pages

The Delaware water gap; its scenery, its legends and early history (1870) - Brodhead, L. W. - 564 pages
The descendants of Jöran Kyn of New Sweden (1913) - Keen, G. B. - 348 pages
 The descendants of Samuel Hogg of Wilmington, Delaware (1959) - Richards, M. H. - 138 pages

The descendants of Thomas Hale of Delaware; with an account of the Jamison and Green families (1913) - Streets, T. H. - 136 pages
The early and later Delaware Baptists (1880) - Cook, R. B. - 212 pages
The Eckel family of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Delaware (1955) - Rubincam, M. - 164 pages

The genealogy of the Richardson family of the state of Delaware (1878) - Richardson, R. - 76 pages

The government of Delaware (1908) - Messersmith, G. S. - 316 pages

The history of the Morison or Morrison family (1880) - Morrison, L. A. - 519 pages
The Indian chief, Journeycake (1895) - Mitchell, S. H. - 128 pages
 The Instruction for Johan Printz, governor of New Sweden (1930) - Johnson, A. - 358 pages

The journal and order book of Captain Robert Kirkwood of the Delaware regiment of the continental line (1910) - Kirkwood, R. - 292 pages
The Kinkeads of Delaware as pioneers of Minnesota, 1856-1868 (1949) - Eckman, J. - 146 pages

The law of private companies, relating to business corporations organized under the general corporation laws of the state of Delaware with notes, annotations, and corporation forms (1899) - Smith, J. E. - 298 pages

The legend of Delaware Valley, and other poems (1877) - Macmurray, T. J. - 146 pages

The new bright future for Delaware negroes (1919) - n.a. - 12 pages

The Quaker colonies; a chronicle of the proprietors of the Delaware (1921) - Fisher, S. G. - 272 pages

The records of Holy Trinity (Old Swedes) Church, Wilmington, Del., from 1697 to 1773 (1890) - n.a. - 782 pages

The revolutionary soldiers of Delaware (1875) - Whiteley, W. G. - 72 pages

The Richardsons of Delaware (1957) - Weslager, C. A. - 236 pages

The state of the question of jurisdiction and boundary between New Jersey and Delaware. A.D. 1873 (1873) - n.a. - 186 pages

The Stout family of Delaware; with the story of Penelope Stout (1915) - Streets, T. H. - 122 pages

The Swedes in America, 1638-1900 (1914) - Johnson, A. - 476 pages

The Swedish settlements on the Delaware; their history and relation to the Indians, Dutch and English, 1638-1664 Vol.1 (1911) - Johnson, A. - 646 pages

The Swedish settlements on the Delaware; their history and relation to the Indians, Dutch and English, 1638-1664 Vol.2 (1911) - Johnson, A. - 498 pages

The thirteen colonies (1901) - Smith, H. A. - 481 pages
The triangle (1963) - n.a. - 128 pages

The valley of the Delaware and its place in American history (1934) - Garber, J. P. - 504 pages
The William Fleming family (a genealogy) with a brief account of some other Flemings of Delaware (1941) - Brand, F. M. - 1310 pages

This book records the descendants of William Gregg, the Friend immigrant to Delaware, 1682 (1944) - Kendall, H. M. M. - 606 pages

This was Wilmington; a veteran journalist's recollections of the 'good old days' (1945) - Grier, A. O. H. - 298 pages
To the Senate and House of representatives of the state of Delaware (1865) - William, C. - 8 pages

United States bonds; or Duress by federal authority; a journal of current events during an imprisonment of fifteen months, at Fort Delaware (1874) - Handy, I. W. K. - 764 pages

Unveiling and presentation of the monument erected on 'Dover Green' (1912) - n.a. - 30 pages
Victory recognized; a national discourse delivered in the Central Presbyterian church, Wilmington, Delaware (1863) - Wiswell, G. F. - 22 pages
What them befell; the Ridgelys of Delaware & their circle in colonial & Federal times; letters, 1751-1890 (1949) - Ridgely, M. L. - 498 pages
 Where and how; a corporation hand book and comparative digest of the laws of Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvani (1914) - Parker, J. S. - 286 pages

Who's who in New Jersey; a biographical dictionary of leading living men and women of the states of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and West Virginia, 1939 (1939) - n.a. - 1068 pages

William Canby of Brandywine, Delaware; his descendants fourth to seventh generation in America (1883) - Biddle, W. C. - 124 pages


Here are a few images from the collection:



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