The Life of the Emperor Charles of Austria. A very Scarce Book from 1932. First Edition by Grayson & Grayson

The book is a biography of emperor Charles I of Austria and covers his life from birth to his death.

Charles succeeded to the thrones in November 1916 following the death of his grand-uncle Franz Joseph. He began secret negotiations with the allies, hoping to peacefully end the First World War, but was unsuccessful. Despite Charle's efforts to preserve the empire by returning it to federalism and by championing Austro- Slavism, Austria- Hungary hurtled into disintegration. Czechoslovakia and the State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs were proclaimed, and Hungary broke monarchic ties to Austria by the end of October 1918. Following the Armistice of 11 November 1918, Charles 'renounced any participation' in government affairs, but did not abdicate. However, the Republic of German - Austria was proclaimed the following day, and in April 1919 the National Assembly formally dethroned the Habsburgs and banished Charles from German- Austria for life.