Library for Young People, lot of 13 blue books.  Hard cover,  first edition. 1903.

Marvelous antique pictures. browning of pages. No marks. flat covers and pages

Books and description follow.

School Days and College Life: intact spine and binding.

Adventures By Land and Sea: Intact spine and binding.

Authors and Inventors: A couple places I found some spine showing, otherwise intact and tight.

Travellers and Explorers: Intact spine and binding.

Poems for Young Folks: intact spine and binding. Maybe some splitting at one point

Sketches and Humor: intact spine and binding

Sports and Games: definitely beginning to split inside

the front cover and at the index - some splitting, still intact

Tom Brown's School Days: good spine and pages

Gulliver's Travels: inside frony cover shows cloth of binding

Oriental Fairy Tales: Definitely can see the webbing of the spine just inside the covers. Otherwise the pages are intact and still bound.

Short Stories:  some of the webbing can be seen, some marks on outside of book

Ivanhoe: name written inside front, can see webbing of spine inside back cover. Pages are intact and flat.

Robinson Crusoe: Cover is split along exterior of spine, See pictures, I see at least one page partially torn and some dog eared.Feels intact and firm.