"Tes Kaines Diathekes Apnta. Novi Testamenti Libri Omnes Recens Nunc Editi: Cum Notis & Animadverionibus Doctissimorum, Praesertim Vero. Roberti Stephani, Joseph Scaligeri, Isaaci Casuaboni. Vaeriae Item Lectiones Ex Antiquissimis Exemplaribus & Celeberrimis Bibliothecis, Desumptae' Londini: Typis Rogeri Danielis. Impensis Josuae Kerton & Samuelis Thomson." Dated: M.D.C.LIII [1653]. 

8vo. [6.75" tall x 4.50" wide x 1.5" thick]. ESTC ref 006166242. Wing B2731A. Collates complete [2], 321, [5]p. A very good, solid copy. Minor marks, light blemishes or insignificant reading wear commensurate with age. A nice, sound copy. 

A very scarce edition. ESTC only lists 4 UK & 1 USA institutions holding copies. 


"In Sacra Biblia Graeca Ex Versione LXX. Interpretum Scholia: Simul Et Interpretum Caeterorum Lectiones Variantes' Londini: Excudebat Rogerus Daniel: Prostat Autum Venale Apud Joannum Martin & Jacobum Allestrye, Sub Signo Campanae in Coemeterio D.Pauli." Dated: M.D.C.LIII [1653]

ESTC ref 006098666. Wing I122. Collates complete [2], 186, [2]p lacking final blank leaf only. A good, solid copy. Minor marks, light blemishes or insignificant reading wear commensurate with age. A nice, sound copy. 

Bound in full contemporary polished calf with gilt window to each board. Finely re-backed in a period style. Raised bands, blind lines and a hand-tooled gilt lettered label to the spine. A solid and rather attractive restored period binding for the discerning collector! 

Box 302