You are bidding for a video record of the long discarded 16mm film described below. When the film was made it provided a unique insight into its particular subject. Over the last thirty years a number of enthusiasts realised that such films provided an untapped source of information on past techniques and methods At some time in the past it would have been rescued after being discarded as obsolete by the original owners .

Any money raised from the sale of this video will go towards offsetting the costs of more rescues.

This DVD recorded during a showing of the films described. (1362) 


Just one of three fascinating  films for enthusiasts who appreciate PSVs of the 1970s omn this DVD. 

1)      Ford used a trip to Moscow to show the sturdiness of the chassis  of the Thames Coach. Average speed was just over 50 mph which was fast for that time .Coach was basically standard but with export springs  a 2 speed axle and extra fuel tanks. Run was done in partnership with Excelsior  Coaches and with a load of Journalists . 




Total length of the three films on DVD is 42 minutes  but few films have ever had more different chassis types featured. 

  Will appeal to bus enthusiasts. and those  with a family history involving buses.  

Technical Note. This is a DVD record of a private screening. Transfer quality is to enable the contents to be studied rather than to achieve the high standard achieved by professional broadcast and commercial video publishers.