We are now only offering our popular wishing books a few times a year! Our books our the original wishing books...They have inspired other practitioners, however ours are unique to our coven, our magick, and our success!

This book was created under July's full Moon which makes it a very powerful Lover's Wishing book. .All the wishes you make will be granted with the power of the full moon.

This Lover's Wish Book has a very powerful body goal spell cast upon! 

Please note this is a stock photo so the the book you get may vary slightly.

My coven and I offer several different types of books that are prespelled. This means they come to you, you write down your wishes and the book's unique magick does the rest! 

International clients...Shipping will be 26.99

Please note that our spells cannot be duplicated. Our wishing books are for personal use only and are not created with the ability to bless anyone but the user. Spells from any of our books do not have the ability to be sold. They are for your own personal use only :) 

These wishing books are some of our most successful wishing books. We take great pride to ensure they bring the user true love, a great sex life, anti-aging, beauty, youth and more! 

This can be used by a man or a women!

The booked offered today is perfect for anyone who is in love or wants to be in love. It's ideal for anyone who wants to look, feel and be sexy.

Anything that involves love, sex or even beauty can be had by using this book.

Examples are...Reawaking passion is your romance, finding your soul mate, becoming a better lover, helping your lover to become a better lover, have more sex, attract more people, look beautiful or handsome to people, restore lost love, have more stamina, appear/feel perfect, or even opening up your current lover to more adventures sex. Nearly all things sex, passion, love and beauty can be given by writing it down within this very powerful book.

To use is simple...Write down what you want, for example...If you want your lover to try something new write it in the book and give some details on what you would like them to do.

I will send more instructions on how best to use this book.

Please note, there are limits to what this book will bring you. It will not force someone to have sex with anyone they do not want to. It will not make anyone demean themselves, feel bad about their selves or feel negative in anyway. This book is all about creating love, pleasure, beauty, mutual passion, and enjoyment to all parties involved!

If you have any questions please feel free to email me.

This is a very nicely made leather journal that is 7"x5" Style may vary.

Thank you for looking.