This is a helmet worn by soldiers of the Soviet Union during the Afghan and Chechen wars and beyond. It has historical significance and is a rare collector's item. The SSH-68 features the iconic symbol of the Soviet Union on the front and is built to last. This item is indispensable for both military enthusiasts and collectors. The helmet comes from the Soviet Union and is an original product. This is a great addition to any collection and a piece of history worth preserving.
But what’s even more interesting is that this helmet was found in 2022 in positions where there were penalty officers from the Russian army to whom they were issued. All this was found near Kherson (Ukraine). When the Armed Forces of Ukraine advanced, the Russian penal battalions threw these helmets off their heads and threw themselves into the water of the Dnieper River and tried to swim across to the left bank. So this helmet has survived more than one war.