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    Product Details
  • 240 Pages
  • 55 Photos & Illustrations
  • Paperback
  • Colour
  • Published in 2019
By Ben Coombs


• The true story of the longest journey ever made by a sports car
• A 27,000 mile odyssey from the northernmost bar on the planet, to the southernmost
• Travel through 25 countries, 3 continents and several oceans
• Taking in every landscape imaginable, from the High Arctic to Bolivia’s Death Road
• All undertaken in a TVR Chimaera named ‘Kermit’
• Probably the boldest journey ever undertaken in a classic British sports car
• Offering a unique glimpse into the cutting edge of automotive adventure
• Demonstrating just what’s possible with a sports car, gaffa tape and determination
• Providing a unique insight into different cultures and landscapes
• Showing the world that actually, the most reliable sports car is a TVR!


A gloriously British blend of elegance and eccentricity, ‘Pub2Pub’ is the official account of the longest journey ever made by a British sports car – a 27,000 mile odyssey from the northernmost bar on the planet, to the southernmost, crossing countries, continents and cultures.


There’s popping out for a quick pint, and then there’s this – a gloriously preposterous 27,000 mile journey across 25 countries to grab a beer in pubs (bars) at opposite ends of the world. We’re talking an epic adventure, from an abandoned Soviet mine 700 miles from the North Pole, to a remote pub at South America’s southernmost tip. A journey undertaken in a TVR sports car, a car that many might consider untrustworthy just to drive to the shops.
The journey packed a lot into its eight months. From braving the sheer drops of Bolivia’s Death Road, to drag racing the locals in Texas. From roaring across flooded salt flats, to sailing the straits of Magellan. From the highs of the planet’s best driving roads, to the lows of life in No-Man’s-Land, trapped between borders by red tape and bureaucracy. And from looking out for Polar Bears in the High Arctic, to dodging penguins in Tierra del Fuego. The story of the Pub2Pub Expedition is an inspirational account of where your dreams can take you if only you believe in them.
Chronicling the epic journey made by Ben Coombs in his TVR Chimaera, this book is both an exciting adventure and a fascinating snapshot of the life and culture of the countries that he drove through.

Additional Information

Period Covered: 2017-2018
Models Covered: TVR Chimaera 4.0l
Chronicles the longest journey ever made by a sports car: a 27,000 mile odyssey from the northernmost pub (bar) on the planet, to the southernmost.
Overland adventures are nothing new, but crossing the planet in a classic British TVR? What could possibly go wrong?
Features a route map and stunning original photographs taken throughout the journey.
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements 4
The Route 6

Section One: Europe 7
01. The Fjord 8
02. The Wedding 10
03. Genesis 14
04. The Launch 19
05. North 24
06. The Island 27
07. The Arctic 30
08. Contrasts 33
09. Autobahn 36
10. The Racetrack 39
11. The Home Run 42

Section Two: Intermission 47
12. Cuba 48

Section Three: North America 52
13. Friends Reunited 53
14. The Capital 57
15. Eclipsed 61
16. Human Extremes 64
17. Guns and the Quarter Mile 83
18. How the West Began 89
19. Aliens 94
20. The Valley of Death 98
21. The Bay to Obispo 101
22. California Dreaming 107
23. Phoenix Nights 110

Section Four: Mexico 115
24. A Different World 116
25. The Right Place 
 at the Right Time 122
26. Civilisations 126

Section Five: Central America 130
27. Guatemala 131
28. Border Wars 136
29. No Man’s Land 142
30. Victory 153

Section Six: South America 159
31. Waiting 160
32. A Christmas Tale 164
33. The Colombian South 168
34. The Volcano 170
35. The Washout 173
36. The Desert 176
37. The Altiplano 196
38. Bolivia 200
39. The Salt Sea 205
40. The Wilderness 209
41. On Car Culture 212
42. The Longest Road 215
43. The Voyage 221
44. The Conflict 226

Section Seven: Homecoming 231
45. The Finish Line 232
46. Closure 233