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    Product Details
  • 96 Pages
  • 136 Photos & Illustrations
  • Paperback
  • Colour
  • Published in 2012
Selling your car - How to make your car look great and how to sell it fast
By Knight Nigel


• Unique guide for a stunning motoring makeover
• Boost the likelihood of making good money from your car
• Increase your chance of a swift sale
• Expertly and simply written, and easy to understand
• Simple practical techniques to clean and sell your car
• More than 100 photographs to illustrate cleaning techniques
• Few chemicals used so the clean should be environmentally-friendly
• Expert advice on photography and car selling techniques
• Inexpensive clean using household tools
• Unique chapter on the psychology of car selling


Filled with simple and expert techniques, this unique book will help you give your car a stunning makeover, transforming its appearance and boosting its sale value. Features chapters on professionally cleaning the interior and exterior, repairing scratches, and improving the paintwork, plus advice on repairs, photography and the psychology of selling.


Quick sale and a decent price ... are they what you want when selling your car? If so, following this guide should increase your chances of achieving that most satisfying of sales – one where you make good, honest money. Even if you are not planning to sell, this book shows you how to make your motor your treasured pride and glory again using simple techniques and expert skills developed over more than 20 years of trading Learn how to give your car a stunning makeover to transform its appearance and boost its sale value; how to brush and vacuum your car before a wet clean, making an amazing difference; how to carry out a full wash, and how to repair scratches, improve paintwork and bring an exceptional shine to your car. This is an indispensable and unique guide for anyone about to become a seller.
Table of Contents

One - Nuts and bolts
Two - Brush-and-vac
Three - Scrub and clean
Four - The big wash
Five - Repair and shine
Six - Photos and adverts
Seven - Selling techniques
Eight - Psychology
British/US glossary