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These plants are large enough to immediately bump up to 6" pots once acclimated.

💡 Enjoys medium to bright indirect light. No direct light, it will burn their leaves. 50-70% shade.

💦 Keep soil evenly moist. Allow top inch of soil to dry before watering.

🌿 Prefers higher humidity. Can form aerial roots.

🐶🐱 Not pet friendly


Nearly all of our plant listings are grower's choice. We select a plant or two from a single batch of 15 to 100 plants to photograph for our listing photos. We move such a high volume of plants and offer such a wide selection of varieties that photographing each plant would take away from our ability to process and ship orders. Every plant of the same size and variety will not look exactly alike. Instead, we practice the industry standard of selling plants based on pot size. Our only exception to this rule is “Exact Plant” rare specimens. For these listings, we feature several photos of the exact plant you will receive and state that the exact plant is being offered in the product's title along with the plant’s unique ID #.