Manhunt of Mystery Island

Public Domain DVD-R - Printed DVD - Plastic Sleeve (No Case)
This is a public domain DVD-R. Do Not expect HD Quality or good quality on a large screen.

Manhunt of Mystery Island is a 1945 science fiction movie serial.

A breakthrough scientific device will revolutionize the world's energy usage if the kidnapped creator can be found. To rescue her father, Claire Forrest enlists the help of private detective, Lance Reardon. Clues lead them to a remote Pacific isle known only as Mystery Island, where the two confront sinister and astonishing forces. The descendants of a long-dead pirate, Captain Mephisto are holding the scientist for their own gain. Worst of all, one of the heirs possesses a Transformation Machine with the impossible ability of changing him into the molecular duplicate of his ancestor, Mephisto.

Three of the serial's cliffhanger gags and set pieces are copied in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.