A folio edition of the Bible, with the title 'Biblia cum pleno apparatu summariorum concordantiarum et quadruplicis repertorii sive indicii numerique foliorum distinctione terissime ac verissime rursus .... impressa,' was printed at Paris by Thielmann Kerver for Johannes Parvus (i.e. Jehan Petit), 12 Dec. 1504: Copinger 132. This Bible and other contemporary editions contain the corrections made by Albertus Castellanus (i.e. da Castello), who is sometimes mentioned by name or referred to as 'praestantissimus sacrae theologiae professor'. The 'plenus apparatus' includes various preliminary pieces and other helps which have been already mentioned in the description of earlier editions. T. Kerver was a German who began printing in Paris in 1497, and produced many beautiful books of devotion. 

From Darlow & Moule # 6090

[Post-Incunabula] Bible (Latin): Biblia cum pleno apparatu summariorum concordantiarum, (Paris, Thielmann Kerver and Jean Petit 1504); Folio size; 18th - century green vellum over stiff boards, recently rebacked; This important Vulgate Bible edited by Adrian Gemeau and Alberto Castellano incorporates fine metalcut initials and three sizes of gothic type, sparsely annotated throughout by a contemporary hand, lacks initial and final leaves. 

USTC 142918, Moreau I 121: 12, Pettegree, French 57244

Measures 10.75" x 8" x 2"

Latin Room