Foot Peddle Foot Rest

The foot peddle footrest is designed to give your feet a comfortable place to sit when you don’t need to use the cars peddles or as a passenger to keep your feet and legs pain-free and comfortable. Having discomfort in your feet and legs is a regular occurrence with modern vehicles, especially with cruise control. As shown in the pictures, we applied 25 pounds of force (much more than a resting foot) to the new footrest without movement.

The footrest alleviates stress on the muscle and tendons. This pain can be caused by your foot not sitting at a right angle to your leg, most notably in people wearing high heels or boots. Sitting in your car with your feet flat on the floor also causes the same effect but with more stress on your knees as they are bent.

The detachable footrest is designed and handmade in the UK with materials sourced and produced in the UK.

The footrest has an angled back to stop any chance of snagging on the footrest. It also has a heavy-duty Velcro attachment system to allow easy placement, adjustment and removal, with a grip tape topper to prevent slippage. The footrest will attach straight onto interior carpet material, or using the Velcro soft pad, it can be attached to most hard surfaces.

Our most used test footrest has seen 100,000 miles in 5 years and is still going strong.

Steps for applying the footrest:

1) Clean the area removing all dirt and grease

2) If you have used a warm wet cloth, thoroughly dry the area.

3) Take the footrest with the Velcro stuck together and the protective film still on, and see where you would like the footrest to go. The footrest’s back section must sit before the peddle to give ample room.

4) If possible warm the Velcro with a hairdryer and the area where it will be applied. Do not heat your car's panels to much, as this might distort them. You should be able to put your hand on the area without discomfort from heat. If not, the car heater should suffice.

5) Remove the sticky back film and place the peddle on the chosen spot

6) Push the top, middle and bottom into the car three times and apply as much pressure as possible for 60 seconds.

7) Keep the car above 20 degrees C for 6 hours to let the adhesive material bond well whilst periodically reapplying 30 sec of pressure within the 6 hours.

8) When you remove the footrest, check to see if any edges have not stuck fully. If so, using two fingers, apply pressure for 60 sec. This should re-attach the edge permanently.

If all the steps are followed, the soft side of the Velcro will be left in place and will not peel off.

We hope the footrest brings you as much satisfaction as it has to our colleagues, friends and family. If, for some reason, you are not happy, please get in touch, and we will endeavour to fix any issues.


 The footrest has been tested for driving on different vehicles for hundreds of thousands of miles. The footrest complies with all Uk vehicle standards and as such, will pass an MOT on a vehicle.

 When making any changes to a vehicle for the road, you must not impede with any modification.