Take an exciting trip into China without jet lag, lost baggage, food poisoning, pick pocketing, and all the other typical hassles of travel. This is the way to go, I'm telling you!

As you can see from the pictures, this is a really nice book and in excellent condition! It seems to have features some others don't. The edges of the pages, as well as the cover, are finished in shiny gold. The printing on the spine is also shiny, but is it silver instead of gold? Kinda hard to tell. There is also a nice red ribbon to serve as a built-in book mark. 

And it contains 412 photographs. I know because I took the time to count them for you. No, that's a lie. It says 412 photographs on the page opposite the table of contents.

There are only a couple very small negatives. The front cover has some really small white specks on it. You have to get quite close to see them, though. There is also a small mark on the edges of the pages, near the upper right corner of the book. Otherwise, the condition is really something to behold.

And, the book also comes with a BIG double sided map. It measures about 37 x 30 inches for Pete's sake. It's so big, I had to (gently) place it on the ground to get a picture of the whole thing.

Don't forget the free shipping too!