Sumptuous understated colors blend organically to give this vase a very pleasing look.  The clustering "fish scales" effect really makes it pop. Depending on which side you choose to have facing you, the variations in final effect lend this piece an array of views to be enjoyed at your discretion.
Looking at the bottom you can se what looks like a large chip out of the bottom of the pot. This likely occurred when the piece was cleaned up from the glaze firing. Sometimes pots will stick to the surface they're sitting on when glaze drips from the form onto the kiln shelf. Even if the shelf has been treated with kiln wash, which is typical, the glaze will often stick to the kiln wash and will have to be removed with tools.
Surprisingly, I've been unable to find out anything about this obviously talented potter, but this well-crafted one-of-a-kind vase comes with a brochure describing the "baffling" crystalline glaze process, which borders on mystical.
If you enjoy the handmade, the unusual, the never-to-be-copied, this will be a welcome addition to your space. The colors, the form, the crystalline glaze mystery, all right here for your consideration.

6.25" high